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Также для Garmin TT 10: Инструкции по замене батареи (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (5 страниц)

Garmin TT 10 Руководство пользователя
If you need to train with more than three keys, select
Insert Page, and program the additional keys.

Basic Training Commands

You should begin training your dog with a few basic commands
using a leash only. You should train the three basic commands
in the following order: "heel," "sit," and "here."
Initially, you should keep the training sessions short and only
train one command during a session. This way, the dog is less
likely to become confused and training should progress more
quickly. Pay close attention while training the dog, so you can
begin to learn when to go faster or slower, and when to take a
With plenty of repetition, consistency, patience, and a lot of
praise, the dog should begin to obey these commands in just a
few short training sessions. After the dog demonstrates a grasp
of the concepts of these commands while on a leash, training
with collar stimulations can be introduced, while keeping the
dog on the leash.

Training to Heel

Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions.
The first command that you will teach the dog is the "heel"
With the dog at your side on a leash, command the dog to
"heel," and begin walking forward while gently pulling on the
If the dog gets in front of you, repeat the command "heel,"
and move in another direction or pull back on the leash.
If the dog starts to lag behind you, lightly tug on the leash to
bring the dog back to your side.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog obeys the command.

Training to Sit and Stay

Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions. Before you train to sit and stay,
you should first train to heel.
The actual command is "sit," and the "stay" command is implied.
When you command the dog to sit, the dog should stay until you
indicate otherwise.
Begin training this command walking the dog on a leash in
the heel position.
Stop walking, pull up on the leash, and command the dog to
Maintain steady pressure on the leash until the dog obeys
the command.
If the dog does not obey and seems confused, gently push
down on the dog's back above the flank, to make the dog sit.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog sits and stays.
Dog Training

Training to Come Here

Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions. Before you begin training the dog
to come here, you should first train the dog to "heel" and "sit."
Teaching your dog to come here is the most important
command. The "here" command allows you to maintain control
of your dog and can be used to call your dog away from a
potentially dangerous situation. This command must be taught
With the dog in a sitting position, move away to the end of
the leash.
You may need to use a long leash to effectively train "here."
Command the dog to come "here" while gently tugging on
the leash.
The dog might resist this command. With repetition and
patience, the dog will learn to obey the command.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog obeys the command.

Collar Training

Begin training your dog on a leash, without the dog collar
device. After the dog shows a grasp of the commands "heel,"
"sit," and "here," you can begin training with the collar and the
During the initial stage of collar introduction, the dog learns that
collar stimulation means the same thing as a tug on the leash.
At first, the dog may be alarmed by the electronic stimulation.
The key is to be patient and consistent and to not start off at too
high of an intensity. Be fair and consistent, use repetition and
praise when using the collar as a training tool.
If the dog does not respond to the stimulation level you have
8), increase the stimulation one level at a
time until you achieve the appropriate response. After you
achieve the desired response, you can lower the stimulation
level as long as the dog maintains consistency.
As the dog becomes more responsive to the training, you
should begin to stimulate intermittently, giving the dog a
"freebie." This will help keep the dog's attitude upbeat, and let
you know that the dog is responding to the command rather
than just the collar. As the dog becomes more proficient with the
commands, you can begin to introduce distractions, such as
rolling a ball in front of the dog or walking him in the presence of
After the dog begins to respond consistently to the command
during collar training, typically after about 5 or 6 training
sessions using the collar, you can remove the leash and train
with just the collar. Eventually in most training situations, your
commands will not require stimulation to be given with the
command. You should only use stimulation when you need to
repeat a command because the dog did not obey the first one.
As the dog becomes better trained, you should decrease the
use of collar training. Continue to have the dog wear the collar
until you feel certain that it is no longer needed to reinforce
known commands. Abandoning the collar too early can lead to
problems in the future.

Training Intensities and Methods

The Alpha system provides two methods of training stimulation
intensity levels. The default intensity method, Linear, contains
18 simulation levels. The lowest level of simulation is 1, and the
levels increase sequentially to 18.
The second method, Traditional, contains 6 numbered levels
that each have a high (Hi), medium (Med), and low (Lo) setting.
Level 1 Lo is going to produce a very slight stimulation that is
hardly perceived. Level 6 on Hi produces a very strong
stimulation, equivalent to level 18 in the Linear method. You
should find the correct training intensity level and then use Lo,
Med, Hi levels as needed for the situation.