Allmatic B.RO 44 Series Краткое руководство по эксплуатации - Страница 3

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Краткое руководство по эксплуатации для Приемник Allmatic B.RO 44 Series. Allmatic B.RO 44 Series 10 страниц. Rolling code radio receivers

The B.RO44 are radio receivers which allow the activation at distance of any electronic device. These devices are available in three different typologies:
super - heterodyne (with SAW narrow band filter), super – reactive and quartzed, with digital ROLLING CODE codification. This codification offers more
than 18 billion of combinations, granting the safety and the absence of undesired activations. The receiver system reckons the handling of 4 different
relays. It is possible to memorize up to 1000 different transmitters in one single receiver, equipped with an extractable memory module. According to
their configuration, each relay can operate in three different modalities: IMMEDIATE – STEP BY STEP and TIMINIG. Each relay output allows to pilot
loads up to 0,5A-120Vac, or 1A – 30Vdc.
Self – learning key
Jmp a


Carry out the connections as per scheme.
If more receivers are necessary, put them at 3 – 4 meters one from each other to avoid reciprocal interferences.
If you dispose of a good quality earth, connect it to the terminal board nr. 11 of the screw connector. Put the antenna far away from obstacles and from
metallic structures, or above them, if they are connected to the earth. Connect the antenna signal to terminal 12 and the braiding to the terminal nr. 11.
The antenna is necessary to get the maximum performance of the device, in contrary case the range would reduce at a few ten of meters.
If the cable supplied with the antenna is too short, do not carry out connections, but entirely substitute the cable self with one of the necessary length
and a 50ohm impedance (type RG 58). The cable do not have to exceed in any case the 10 mt. of length.
How to memorize the code of a transmitter
Connect the receiver to the terminals 1 and 2, paying attention to correctly select the selection jumper of power supply tension.
To activate the learning modality it is possible to follow three different procedures (the led 1 will switch on):
a: press for an instant the self – learning key of the control unit;
b: press the hidden key of a transmitter already memorized (UP + DOWN for the B.ROT12W)
c: transmit the opening memory signal of an already present channel
Press the key of the transmitter whose code you need to learn, the led carries out 2 blinks, then turns off; The key of the transmitter which is first
pressed, will be memorized on the first receiver relay (relay 1). Having at disposal a 2 or 4 keys transmitter it is possible to activate another
function: really, pressing contemporarily two keys of the transmitter, for example A and B, these are learned in the first free channel of the
receiver . Like this, a high immunity to the undesired activations is granted, because the contemporaneously pressure of two keys rarely
happens in involuntary way, following at a casual movement.
To memorize the successive key of the transmitter repeat the procedure from the point 2.
The learning of the successive keys of the same transmitter happens in sequence on the relays 2,3,4.
Repeat the sequence of the operations from the point 2 to the point 4 for all the transmitters to learn.
How to memorize the codes of more transmitters (multiple learning)
Connect the receiver to the terminal 1 and 2.
Press the self learning key for 3 seconds, then release the key. The receiver signals the entry in multiple self – learning with
two blinks, after then it remains permanently turned on.
Press the key of the 1° transmitter to memorize, for example on the sequence A, B, C, D as on figure. The first key which is
pressed, in this case "A", will control the relay of the 1° channel. The second key of the transmitter which will be pressed, in this
case "B" will be associated to the second channel of the receiver and so on. The led of the receiver signals the correct learning
of the pressed key blinking 2 times.
Pressing the keys of the remaining transmitters to be recorded, on the desired sequence, the learning of the respective codes will be carried out.
To exit from the multiple learning procedure press for an instant the key of the receiver. The led 1 turns off.
WARNING: if the led 1 does not blink on memorization phase, the code has not been memorized. In this case it is advisable to check what follows:
the transmitter must have the same frequency of the receiver
the code of the transmitter has already been memorized; press the key checking to what of the 4 relays it corresponds;
the memory is full: in this case the maximum number of transmitters has been learned
How to cancel all the codes of the transmitters
Cut off power supply to the receiver's card
Keep pressed the self – learning key and give again power supply to the receiver: the led 1 turns on after about three seconds
Release the key of the receiver
When the led turns off, all the codes are erased.
6-1621660 rev. 5 10/01/2014
B.RO 44
Led of radio
1 = p. supply + 12/24Vdc 12/24Vac
2 = p. supply 0 Vdc 12/24Vac
3-4 = contact relay 1 (NO)
5-6 = contact relay 2 (NO)
7-8 = contact relay 3 (NO)
9-10 = contact relay 4 (NO)
11 = earth of the antenna
12 = antenna signal
Electrical connections
3 4
9 10 11 12
JUMPER OPEN: 24 Vac/dc
1 / 2