Digital Equipment Prioris XL 5166DP Руководство по установке - Страница 4

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство по установке для Сервер Digital Equipment Prioris XL 5166DP. Digital Equipment Prioris XL 5166DP 17 страниц. Cpu powergrade kit

Digital Equipment Prioris XL 5166DP Руководство по установке
Figure 1 Main Logic Board Jumper Locations ................................................. 4
Figure 2 Removing the CPU Module ............................................................... 7
Figure 3 Installing a Second CPU Chip ........................................................... 8
Figure 4 Installing the Secondary Cache.......................................................... 9
Figure 5 CPU Module Jumper and Socket Locations...................................... 10
Figure 6 Installing the CPU Module ............................................................. 11
Table 1 Kit Contents ..................................................................................... 2
Table 2 CPU Module Jumper Settings .......................................................... 10
NOTE: Provides general information.
CAUTION: Provides information to prevent damage to equipment.
WARNING: Indicates the presence of a hazard that can cause
personal injury if the hazard is not avoided.
NOTE: You may lose data if you have not backed up your
system. If you do not wish to install this kit yourself, contact
Digital Customer Service. For a nominal fee, a Customer
Service Technician can install it for you.