Cisco WS-X5161 Руководство - Страница 26

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Cisco WS-X5161 Руководство
Configuring Fast SSRP for Redundant LANE Services
ATM(config-subif)# interface atm0.2
ATM(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring Eng_ELAN
ATM(config-subif)# ^Z
ATM# show lane server
LE Server ATM0.1
type: tokenring
ATM address: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.01
LECS used: 47.007900000000000000000000.00A03E000001.00 NOT yet connected
LE Server ATM0.2
type: tokenring
ATM address: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.02
LECS used: 47.007900000000000000000000.00A03E000001.00 NOT yet connected
To add the redundant LES/BUS pairs to the LECS, use the following commands beginning in privileged
EXEC configuration mode:
1. ATM# show lane server
2. ATM# configure terminal
3. ATM (config)# lane database database-name
4. ATM (lane-config-database)# name elan-nameserver-atm-addressatm-address
5. ATM (lane-config-database)# default-nameelan-name
6. ATM (lane-config-database)# Ctrl-Z
7. ATM# show lane database
Command or Action
Step 1 ATM# show lane server
Step 2 ATM# configure terminal
Step 3 ATM (config)# lane database database-name Enters database configuration mode, specifying a LANE database name.
Step 4 ATM (lane-config-database)# name elan-
Step 5 ATM (lane-config-database)# default-
Step 6 ATM (lane-config-database)# Ctrl-Z
Step 7 ATM# show lane database
This example shows how to display the ATM address of the LES/BUS of the default ELAN, how to
configure the LECS database for the default ELAN, and how to verify the configuration:
ATM# show lane server
LE Server ATM0.1
type: ethernet
ATM address: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.01
LECS used: 47.007900000000000000000000.00A03E000001.00 NOT yet connected
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
ATM(config)# lane database LANE_Backbone
ATM(lane-config-database)# name default server-atm-address
ELAN name: default
Admin: up
Max Frame Size: 4472
ELAN name: Eng_ELAN
Admin: up
Max Frame Size: 4472
Displays the ATM address of the LES/BUS for the ELAN.
Enters global configuration mode.
Binds the name of the ELAN to the ATM addresses of the LES/BUS
pairs in the order you want the services to fail over.
In the configuration database, provides a default name of the ELAN.
Exits from database configuration mode.
Displays the LECS database configuration so that you can verify your
ELAN name: default
Admin: up
Max Frame Size: 1516
Configuring Redundant LANE Services
State: operational
State: operational
State: operational
End with CNTL/Z.