Samsung 5 Series Руководство пользователя - Страница 4

Просмотреть онлайн или скачать pdf Руководство пользователя для Монитор Samsung 5 Series. Samsung 5 Series 8 страниц. Samsung flat panel television user manual
Также для Samsung 5 Series: Краткое руководство по эксплуатации (5 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (4 страниц), Руководство пользователя (17 страниц), Электронное руководство (18 страниц), Руководство пользователя (17 страниц), Руководство по установке (43 страниц), Руководство пользователя (29 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Руководство пользователя (43 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Краткое руководство по эксплуатации (6 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (48 страниц), Руководство пользователя (18 страниц), Краткое руководство по эксплуатации (16 страниц), Руководство по установке (32 страниц), Руководство пользователя (38 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (20 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (34 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (32 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Руководство пользователя (31 страниц), Руководство пользователя (22 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Руководство пользователя (36 страниц), Руководство пользователя (32 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Краткое руководство по эксплуатации (2 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (4 страниц), Руководство пользователя (36 страниц), Руководство пользователя (45 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (2 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (4 страниц), Руководство пользователя (42 страниц), Руководство по установке (45 страниц), Руководство пользователя (20 страниц), Руководство пользователя (47 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (32 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (20 страниц), Руководство пользователя (46 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Руководство пользователя (32 страниц), Руководство (33 страниц), Руководство пользователя (29 страниц), Руководство пользователя (17 страниц), Руководство пользователя (48 страниц), Руководство пользователя (50 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство по установке (34 страниц), Руководство пользователя (17 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (4 страниц), Руководство по быстрой настройке (4 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство пользователя (48 страниц), Руководство пользователя (28 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство пользователя (2 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (17 страниц), Руководство пользователя (36 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (27 страниц), Руководство пользователя (19 страниц), Руководство пользователя (44 страниц), Руководство пользователя (48 страниц), Руководство (33 страниц), Руководство пользователя (40 страниц), Руководство пользователя (50 страниц), Руководство пользователя (24 страниц), Руководство (36 страниц), Руководство пользователя (20 страниц), (Немецкий) Инструкция по установке (31 страниц)

Samsung 5 Series Руководство пользователя
No s!gna! Power ٥« (Off /15 m‫ا‬n^ / 30 min. / 60 m!n.): Sets
how ٩и!ск!у the TV switches to standby mode, !f no picture !s
being received.
Disab.ed when the PC !s !n power sav!ng mode.
Auto Power Off (Off / On): The TV
off when no user operatfon is receVed for 4 tiours.
be automatically turned
The defau.t P!N number of a newTV set is "Q-O-O-O". You can
set your own PIN using the Change PfN function.
How !t Works
When you access the Program Rating fock Menu functions for
the first time, the PIN input screen appears. Enter Q-O-O-0, The PIN
screen closes and tfie Program Rating Lock Menu appears. Eve^
time you access the Program Rating Lock functions, the PIN
screen will appear and you must enter a PIN.
When the Rating Lock screen appears, select Program Rating
Lock, and then press ENTERS. Select On, and then press the
ENTER s key again. Depending on what type of programs or
movies you want to block, select one of the options on the screen,
and then press the ENTERS buHon. The options are listed below:
Parental Guidelines: You can block D/programs based
on their ratings. This function allows you to control what your
children are watching.
■ MPAA Rating: You can block movies based on their MPAA
ratings. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has
implemented a rating system that provides parents or guardians
with advanced information on wtiich films are appropriate for
" Canadian English: You can block TV programs based on their
Anglophone Canadian ratings.
" Canadian Frencti: You can block TV programs based on their
French Canadian ratings.
‫ ا‬Downloadable u.s. Rating: Parental restriction information can
be used while watching DTV channels.
Locking/Blocking Programs or Movies
You lock or block programs and/or movies in essentially the same
way for each option. Each option displays a grid or table. All the
tables have ratings listed on the left. The TV Parental Guidelines
option also has kinds of content listed across the top: ALL: lock all
TV ratings. / FV: Fantasy violence / V: Violence / S: Sexual situation
/ L: Adult language / D: Sexually Suggestive Dialog.
To lock/block movies or shows with certain ratings and/or kinds of
content, click the square next to the rating and/or under the kind of
content. A lock appears. To unlock/unblock, click the square again.
When you click a low rating, all the ratings above it will also display
locks. You can also Allow All or Lock All. When done, press the
RETURN button on your remote.
The C
□ Using the Media Play Menu
n Text D!alogue)
You can switch the caption tunctlon on 0٢ off. It
captions a٢e not available, they will not be displayed on the
Media Play
aption feature does not work in Component or
HDMI mode.
Caption Mode: You can select the desired caption mode.
Default / CCI -CC4 / Textl -TextA: (analog channels only) The
Analog Caption function operates in either analog TV channel
mode or when a signal is supplied from an exterrral device to the
on the broadcasting signal, the Analog Caption
function may or may not work with digital channels.)
Default / Senricel -Sericee / CCI -CCA ‫ ا‬Textf -TextA:
(Digital channels only) The Digital Captions function works with
digital channels.
Service1-6 may not be available in digital caption mode
depending on the broadcast.
Digital Caption Options: (Digital channels only)
Size: Options include Default, Small, standard and targe. The
default Is standard.
Font Style: Options include Default and Styles 0 to 7. The
default is style 0.
Foreground Color: Options include Default. White, Black, Red,
Green, Blue, Yellow. Magenta and Cyan. You can change ttie
color of the letters. ٥e default is White.
Background Color: Options include Default, White, Black, Red,
Green, Blue. Yellow. Magenta and Cyan. You can change the
background color of the captions. The default is Black.
Foreground Opacify: This adjusts ttie opacity of text. Options
include Default, Transparent. Translucent, Solid and Flashing.
Background Opacity: This adjusts the opacity of the caption
background. Options include Default, Transparent, Translucent.
Solid and Flashing.
Return to Default: This option sets each Size, Font style.
Foreground Color, Background Color, Foreground Opacity and
Background Opacity to its default.
Digital Caption Options are available only when you can
select Default and Service, - Servicee in Caption Mode
The Foreground and Background cannot be set to ttie
same color.
Support Menu
Self Diagnosis
Picture Test: Use to check for picture problems. If the problem
appears in the test picture, select Yes and follow the directions
on the screen.
Sound Test: Use the built-in melody sound to check for sound
problems. If the problem occurs during the test, select Yes and
follow the directions on the screen.
Signal Strength: (Digital channels only) An HD channel's
reception quality is either perfect or the channels are unavailable.
Adjust your antenna to increase signal strength.
Reset: Reset all settings to the factoq, defaults.
The PIN input screen appears.
Enter your A-digit PIN. Change the PIN using the Change
PIN option.
sw ■CffangeOevi«
To open Media Play in the Menu, follow these steps:
1. Press the MENU button. Then, press the A or T button to
select Application on the left, and then press the ENTERO*
2. Press the A or ▼ button to select Media Play (USB), and then
press the ENTERO button.
3. Press the ◄ or ► button to select an icon fideos. Music)
Photos, Settings), and then press the ENTERO button.
Media Play might not work properly with unlicensed
multimedia files.
Needto-Know List before using Media Play (USB)
٠ The file system supports FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS.
* Certain types of USB Digital camera and audio devices may not
be compatible with this TV.
٠ Media Play only supports USB Mass storage Class (MSC)
devices. MSC is a Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only Transport
device. Examples of MSC are Flash Card Readers. Devices
should be connected directly to the TV'S USB port. USB HDD is
not supported.
• Before connecting your device to the TV, please back up your
files to prevent them from damage or loss of data. SAMSUNG is
not responsible for any data file damage or data loss.
* A USB device that requires high power (more ttian 0,5A) may not
be supported,
‫ ا‬Do not disconnect the USB device while it is loading.
٠ The higher the resolution of the image, the longer it takes to
display on the screen.
٠ The maximum supported JPEG resolution is 15,360 X 8,704
٠ If a file is corrupted or the TV does not support the fi le type, the
"Not Supported File Format" message appears.
٠ The TV cannot play МРЗ files with DRM that have been
downloaded from a for-pay site. Digital Rights Managerként
(DRM) is a technology that supports the creation, distribution,
and management of digital content in an integrated and
compreherisive way, including protecting the rights and interests
of content providers, preventing illegal copying of contents, and
managing billing and settlements.
‫ ا‬РТР devices are not supported.
" If the device is over.powered while connecting or using a USB
device, the device may not be recognized or may malff‫ل‬nction.
٠ If the TV has no input during the time period set in Auto
Protection Time, the Screensaver will run.
٠ The power-saving mode of some external hard disk drives may
be released automatically wheri your connect them to ttie TV.
٠ If you use a USB extension cable, the TV may not recognize the
USB device or may not be able to read the files on the device.
٠ If a USB device connected to the TV is not recognized, the list of
files on the device is corrupted, or a file in the list is not played,
connect the USB device to a PC, format the device, and check
the connection.
٠ Photos only supports the sequential jpeg format.
٠ The Videos option does not support the scene search and
thumbnail functions.
‫ ا‬If the number of files and folders saved on a USB storage device is
over approximately 4٥0٥, the fi les and folders may not appear and .
some folders may not open.
Software Upgrade can be performed by downloading the latest
fi rmware from to a USB memo^ device.
HD Connection Guide
Refer to this information when connecting external devices to the
Contact Samsuni
View Ihis information when your TV does not work properly or
when you want to upgrade the software. You can find information
regarding our call centers and how to download products and
Media Play
Change PIN: The Change PIN screen will appear. Choose any
4 digits for your PIN and.enter the‫ ؟‬in Enter New PIN fields.
Re-enter the same 4 digits in Confirm New PIN fields. When the Melody
Change PIN screen disappears, press the OK button. The TV
has memorized your new PIN.
If you forget the PIN, press the remote-control buttons in
the following sequence, which resets the pin to "0-0-٥-0" :
POWER (off) ٠ MLJTE ٠ 8 » 2 , 4 , POWER (on)
Set so tha
The M
Enjoy photos, music and/or movie files saved on a
USB Mass Storage Class (MSC) device.
t a melody plays when the TV is turned on or off.
elody does not play:
" When no sound Is output from the TV because the MUTE
button has been pressed.
‫ ا‬When no sound is output from the TV because the volume has
been reduced to minimum with the VOL - button.
٠ When the TV is turned off by Sleep Timer function.
□ Connecting a USB Device
1. Turn on your
2. Connect a USB device containing photo, music, and/or movie
files to the USB jack on the back of the TV. A pop up window
3. Press the MEDIAR button on your remote. The Media Play
menu appears.
Game Mode
When you connect a game console such as a PlayStation™
or Xbox'" to your TV, you can enjoy a more realistic gaming
experience by turning on the Game Mode ftinction.
Precautions and limitations for game mode:
" Before you disconnect the game console and connect another
external device, set Game Mode to Off in the setup menu.
" If you display the TV menu in Game Mode, the screen shakes
Game Mode is not available when the input source is set to
Auto Protection Time
■ Auto Protection Time (Off / 2 hours / 4 hours / 8 hours/16
hours): If the screen remains idle with a still image for a certain
period of time you define, the screen saver is activated to prevent
the formation of ghost images on the screen.
Eco Solution
и Energy Saving (Off / low / Medium / High / Picture Off) :
This adjust the brightness of fhe TV in order to reduce power
consumption. If you select Picture Off. the screen is turned
off. but the sound remains on. Press any button except volume
button to turn on the screen.
After connecting the game console, set Game Mode to On.
You may notice slightly reduced picture quality.