AMC DT15 Kurulum - Sayfa 2

Güvenlik Sensörleri AMC DT15 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kurulum indirin. AMC DT15 4 sayfaları. Dual technology curtain lens intrusion detector

AMC DT15 Kurulum
1. IntroductIon
DT15 is a Dual Technology detector, able to create a "curtain's shape" protection barrier usefull for
doors and windows or everywhere is necessary to detect a movement in only one direction. Infra-
red section is constituted by a double element PIR, the microwave's section it's realized by a 2,4
GHz planar cavity. Thanks to the innovative digital signal processing and capture's system (AMC
DMS - Digital Modulation System) it's able to reach an optimum coverage, ensuring an absolut
safety against false alarms. . It's equipped with a range trimmer with which is possible to set up the
elevation's sensibility from 1 to 5 mt.

2. InStallatIon

The detector it's been projected to be installed as passage's protection, i.e. between window and
shutter and/or rolling shutter, otherwise to protect doors and main entrance. During mounting the
infrared's lens position have to be considered, in particular it has to be always oriented to the bottom
as shown in fig.2. It's important the range's tuning that as to be close to the real desired coverage.
Rotating the trimmer in clockwise direction the sensibility will be increased (fig.1). Been a dual
technology detector it's not affected by thermal variations due to sun or an other source, therefore
doesn't needs particular solutions in case of installation exposed to heat sources. Consider during
the installation that the detector should need to be oriented and/or tilted a little bit to achieve the
coverage's needs.

3. connectIonS and SettIngS

As for the connections with the control unit please refer to figure 1. Consider that the detector is
equipped with Solid State Relays, therefore it's important to never connect loads superiors of the
related data provided at the end of this manual.
TUNING: Set the Range to the minimum by rotating the trimmer in anticlockwise direction, then
start to rotate the trimmer in clockwise direction until reach the desired coverage.
LED WALK TEST : To completely deactivate the WALK TEST's LED it's necessary to operate to
the jumper located in the PCB. (Jumper Closed = LED Activated)
DT15 Dual Technology - v 1.0
Praticare un foro di diametro superiore a quello del tas-
sello che verrà utilizzato per tale protezione sul fondo
del coperchio, fare riferimento allo schema di foratura a
lato. Inserire il tassello nel muro ed avvitare la vite la-
sciando fuori quanto basta per garantire la chiusura del
microinterruttore posto sul retro della scheda elettronica.
Practice a hole of diameter bigger than the rawl-
plug you will use on the back of the detector's
cover, please refer to the drill scheme. Insert the
rawlplug into the wall leaving the screw a little ou-
tside to ensure the back switch's contact closure.
installation instructions