Canon DW-100 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 3

Video Kamera Canon DW-100 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Canon DW-100 30 sayfaları. User guide
Ayrıca Canon DW-100 için: Broşür ve Teknik Özellikler (5 sayfalar), Teknik Özellikler (2 sayfalar), Referans Kılavuzu (2 sayfalar), Referans Kılavuzu (2 sayfalar)

Canon DW-100 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fm a Class B digital device. pUl'suant to
Pali 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits al'e designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful Interference in
a residential installation. This equipment genemtes. uses. and can mdlate mdio fl'equency enel'gy and. if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause hal'mful interference to radio communications.
Howevel'. there is no gual'antee that interfel'ence will not OCCUI' n a pal'ticula( installation. If this eqUipment does
cause hal'mful interTer-ence to radiO 01' television reception. which can be determmed by !umlllg t'le equipment off
a'ld on. the user is encourageo to t(y to COt'rect tne i 1terferellce by one m more of the followln(J IlleaSUles:
- Remient m relocate tile I'eceiving antenna.
, 1 m ,
- Increase the sepal'ation between the equipment ana I'eceivel'.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cil'cuit diffel'ent from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an expenenced radiolN technician for help.
compiles with Pal't 15 of the FCC Rules. Opel'atlon
subject to the following two conditions:(nthis
device may 110t cause harmful intel'ference. and(2)this device must accept any interfel'ence received. including
intet'fel'ence that may cause undeSired opel'alton.
Information to User
Alteration or modifications can'ied out without appropriate authorIZation may invalidate the users right to operate
the equipment.
CAUTION: This product satisfies FCC regulations when shielded cables (with Ferrite'cores attached) and
connectors are used to connect the unit to other equipment. To prevent electromagnetic interference with electric
appliances such as radios and televisions. use shielded cables (with Ferrite,cores attached) and connectors for
If the AC plug of this unit does not match the AC
outlet you want to use. the plug must be removed
and appropriate one fitted. Replacement and
mounting of an AC plug on the power supply cord of
thiS unit should be performed only by qualified
service personnel. If connected to an AC outlet. the
cut'off plug can cause severe electrical shock. Make
sure it is properly disposed of aftel' removal.
The equipment should be disconnected by removing
the mains plug from the wall socket when left
unused for a long penod of time (for example, when
on vacation).
The POWER/MODE but on on this unit will not
completely shut off all power from the AC outlet.
Since the power cmd serves as the main disconnect
for the unit. you wil need
unplug it hom
the AC au let to s
t down all power. Therefore,
make s re the unit as been Installed so hat the
power cord can be easily unplugged from the AC
outlet in case of an aCCident To avoid fire hazard.
the power cord should also be unpiugged from the
AC outlet when left unused for a long penod of time
(for example, when on vacation),
Handle the power cord by the plug, Do not pullout the
plug by tugglllg the cOl'd and
touch the power
cord when your hands are wet as this could cause a
short circuit or electric shock Do not place the unit. a
piece of fumiture, etc" on the power cmd. or pinch the
make a knot In the cOl'd or tie it with othel'
cords, The powel' cords should be routed such that they
al'e not likely to be stepped on, A damaged power cord
can cause a fll'e or give you an electncal shock, Check
the power cord once in a while. When you filld it
damaged, ask youl' nearest CANON authmized service
centel' or your dealel' for a replacement.
When using this product follow the instructions
written on the underside of the unit, which
concern rated voltage, etc.
This product includes FontAvenue® fonts licenced
by NEe Corporation. FontAvenue is a registered
trademark of NEC Corporation.
This product complies with the EMC Directive