Servo Sürücüler ASTRO-PHYSICS GTOCP4 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Manuel indirin. ASTRO-PHYSICS GTOCP4 13 sayfaları. First session with control box

The first method is to use the GTOCP4 as an Access Point. Your smart device will connect directly to
the CP4's wireless network at GTOCP4_Net_xxxx as described below. This must happen first.
Then SkySafari will connect to the IP address on port number 23.
The second is to use an existing wireless network like you may have at your home or observatory.
Both your GTOCP4 and your smart device connect to the wireless router. The network administers
everything and assigns an IP address to the GTOCP4. When both the smart device and CP4 are
connected, connect SkySafari to the assigned IP address, again on port number 23.

Mounts Equipped with Absolute Encoders

You must use the APAE Utility v.2.x or later with the GTOCP4. If you did not receive the CD with this
utility along with your GTOCP4, please contact Astro-Physics.
The GTOCP4 combines the functions of the GTOCP3 and GTOAE boxes into a single, more efficient
unit. Your new GTOCP4, however, will not have the correct encoder values for your particular mount.
We intentionally ship the GTOCP4 with the RA and Dec Limits turned OFF to avoid problems with
different than expected encoder values. You will need to re-run the APAE Utility – now in v.2 – to re-
establish your home and limits. The procedure is the same as when you first set up Home and Limits
originally with the CP3 and AE boxes.
1. Initialize the mount using a computer or the keypad.
2. Calibrate the mount with the sky.
3. Run the "Set Home & Limits" routine in the APAE Utility.
For additional details, see the APAE Utility Instructions.
3600GTO Mounts Equipped with Precision Encoders and/or Home
and Limit Switches
The GTOCP4 combines the functions of the GTOCP3 and GTOELS boxes into a single, more efficient
unit. Your new GTOCP4, however, will not have the correct encoder values for your particular mount.
We intentionally ship the GTOCP4 with the RA and Dec Limits turned OFF to avoid problems with
different than expected encoder values.
Home routine in APCC before using your Home and Limits functions. The procedure is the same as it
was for the individual GTOCP3 and GTOELS boxes.
1. Initialize the mount using APCC.
2. Calibrate the mount with the sky. We recommend using the Plate-solve and ReCal function in
APPM to accomplish the most accurate calibration.
3. Run the Establish Home procedure in APCC's ELS tab.
See the APCC Help for more information.
If you do NOT have APCC, first off, we recommend that you get it! However, you can also use the
commands as described in your original documentation to set up your home and limits. For assistance,
please contact Astro-Physics.
If you have the Precision Encoder System, and you do NOT have APCC, the easiest way to turn the
encoder correction on and off is with the APAE Mini Utility. Again, contact Astro-Physics for assistance
if you do not have this utility.
If you have APCC, you will need to re-run the Establish