DPA d:fine Manuel - Sayfa 5

Kulaklıklar DPA d:fine için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Manuel indirin. DPA d:fine 13 sayfaları. Headset & earset microphones
Ayrıca DPA d:fine için: Kullanıcı Kılavuzu (4 sayfalar), Kullanıcı Kılavuzu (4 sayfalar)

DPA d:fine Manuel
Adjusting the d:fine
4266 & 4288
For the single-ear, just open the spring hook lightly, first place the slide behind your ear-
lobe (Pic. 1) and let go of the spring over your ear (Pic. 2). For the dual-ear, place the
headset behind your ears and place the springs like for the single-ear. Adjust the headset
mount by pulling or pushing the wires until it fits tightly (Pic. 3).
A directional headset should be mounted 2-3 cm (1 in) from the corner of the mouth to ensure
optimal sound quality.
Pic. 1
Correct placement behind the earlobe
Pic. 2
See instruction video at
1. When using the dual-ear headset mount,
the supplied cable relief should be applied.
Pic. 3
2. Slide the cable into the relief cut.
3. The relief is pre-mounted with dual-ear headsets
and supplied with single-ear earsets.