BECKWITH ELECTRIC BlueJay M-2911 Manuel - Sayfa 4
Alıcı-Verici BECKWITH ELECTRIC BlueJay M-2911 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Manuel indirin. BECKWITH ELECTRIC BlueJay M-2911 12 sayfaları. Universal data transceiver
Ayrıca BECKWITH ELECTRIC BlueJay M-2911 için: Talimatlar Kılavuzu (18 sayfalar)
M-2911 BlueJay Universal Data Transceiver
The M-2911 is configurable with the following parameters:
• Unit (Transmit/Receive) Address: 1 to 250
• Destination (Transmit): 1 to 255
• Multicast (Receive) Address: 251 to 254
• Baud Rate: Selectable from 2400 to 115,200
• Parity: Even/Odd/No Parity
• Transmit Retry: 0 to 9 times
• Interface: RS-232/RS-422/RS-485
• RS-422/485 Tx:
Gating: 0 to 10 characters
Lead Time: 0 to 10 mS
Hold Time: 0 to 10 mS
• Intercharacter Timeout: 1 to 10 character times/1 to 100 mS
• Maximum Packet Size: 1 to 60 characters
Configuring the M-2911
To configure the M-2911, the unit must be put in the AT-Command Mode. To put the unit in AT-Command
Connect the unit (using an RS-232 cable) to a PC or laptop computer running a terminal emulator
program (such as Microsoft HyperTerminal) set to 9600 bps, No Parity, One Stop Bit.
Apply power to the unit.
After 1–2 seconds, type "+++", and pause for 1 second or more. The M-2911 will enter
AT-Command Mode and respond with "OK". The user can then enter any of the AT Commands
listed below.
■ NOTE: After each command, the unit will return "OK" if the command was valid, or "???" if invalid or out-
AT Commands
Unit (Transmit/Receive) Address Configuration: ATS=nnn<ENTER>, where nnn is 1 to 250
Destination (Transmit) Address Configuration: ATD=nnn<ENTER>, where nnn is 1 to 255
Multicast (Receive) Address Configuration: ATM=nnn<ENTER>, where nnn is 251 to 254
Baud Rate Select: ATB=nnnnnn<ENTER>, where nnnnnn is 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, or
Parity Select: ATP=x, where x is E for Even Parity, O for Odd Parity, or N for No Parity
Transmit Retries Configuration: ATR=n<ENTER>, where nn is 0 to 9
Interface Selection: RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485
RS-232 RST Configuration:
ATI=RTSx<ENTER>, where x is 0 for Low, 1 for High, F for Flow-Thru
ATI=CTSx<ENTER>, where x is 0 for Ignore, 1 for Obey, F for Flow-Thru