Gadget Labs WAVE/4 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 3

Ses Kartı Gadget Labs WAVE/4 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Gadget Labs WAVE/4 20 sayfaları. 4 channel pc digital audio card

First things first!
Thank you for purchasing the Wave/4 card. We "gadgeteers" genuinely
appreciate your patronage. This guide contains information on in-
stalling and using the card, and we tried to make it as brief as possible
(because no one has time to read manuals anyway).
If you have ideas about how we can improve our products, we'd like
to hear from you. Our contact information is on the back cover of
this manual.
"Virtual" product registration
Gadget Labs maintains a customer e-mail list and periodically (every
other month or so), we send out notices about driver updates, special
offers and new product announcements.
If you would like to be included on this e-mail list,
send an e-mail to '[email protected]' or
visit our web site, '', and sign up.


Getting started...................................................................2
Installing a Wavetable synth card ............................................3
Includes important note about using a Wavetable synthesizer
daughter card with the Wave/4
Specific application configuration ...........................................7
Information about using the Wave/4 card with Cakewalk, Cool Edit Pro,
Cubase VST, Musicator, Samplitude, SAW, & Sound Forge.
Troubleshooting................................................................ 14
Support & warranty information............................................ 16
FCC and other compliance stuff ............................................ 17
4 channel PC Digital Audio Card
U s e r ' s G u i d e
ç very important