Daxten VOYAGER IP - Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 10

Anahtar Daxten VOYAGER IP - için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Daxten VOYAGER IP - 15 sayfaları.

To record a Key sequence:
1. From the Special Key Manager Box press Record Now, the Add Special Key box appears.
2. Give the key sequence a name in the label box.
3. Click Start Recording.
4. Press the desired keys, the keys appear in the area provided.
5. Click Stop Recording.
6. Click OK.
To edit a key sequence
1. From the Special Key Manager Box select the desired key.
2. Click Edit.
3. Click Start Recording.
4. Press the desired keys, the keys appear in the area provided.
5. Click Stop Recording.
6. Click OK.
Synchronising mouse pointers
On a client computer, two mouse pointers appear. The Client computer‟s mouse pointer on top of the
Target Servers. The two mouse pointers should be synchronised. The following explains what to do if
they are not synchronised.
Before synchronising mouse pointers adjust the video of the Target Server
otherwise mouse synchronisation may not work.

Aligning the mice pointers

The two mice pointers may appear a apart from each other, to align the mouse pointers from the
toolbar click the Mouse icon and then Align or press Ctrl M to align the mice pointers.

Calibrating mice pointers

A Target Server may have different mouse pointer speed
The Client computer and Target Server may have different mouse pointer speed settings. Calibrating
will automatically discover the mouse speed of the Target Server and aligns the two pointers.
To calibrate a Windows 2000, NT4 or 98 Target Server :
From the Toolbar click the Mouse icon and then Calibrate. The Voyager IP saves this alignment so
calibration is only required once per Target Server.
If the Video Noise Level is higher than zero, calibration may not work. Use the Video Adjustments to
eliminate the noise.
If the mouse settings on the Target Server are changed, you will need to
synchronise the mouse pointers manually.
Manual mouse synchronisation
To calibrate a Windows XP, 2003, Linux, Novell, SCO Unix or SUN
Target Server, or if the mouse settings on the Target Server are
changed, the mouse pointers must be synchronised manually.
1. From the Toolbar click the Mouse icon and then Manual
2. Select the Target Server‟s operating System and click OK.
Instructions and sliders appear.
3. Follow the instructions and adjust the relevant sliders to the
same values set on the Target Server‟s mouse properties
Voyager IP
User Guide
Figure 13 – Mouse Settings box.