Gallien-Krueger 2001RB Kullanıcı El Kitabı - Sayfa 18

Amplifikatör Gallien-Krueger 2001RB için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı El Kitabı indirin. Gallien-Krueger 2001RB 20 sayfaları. Bass amp and preamp
Ayrıca Gallien-Krueger 2001RB için: Kullanıcı El Kitabı (20 sayfalar), Kullanıcı El Kitabı (15 sayfalar)

Gallien-Krueger 2001RB Kullanıcı El Kitabı
Tech Talk
The sound you want is in your head, but you just can't get
it. You think it's you, your bass or maybe your amp. Yes,
your amp. Standard tone controls and graphic equal-
izers don't get it. Sure, they give you plenty of variation,
but they don't provide what the instrument really needs.
The fact is, graphic equalizers are intended for room
equalization, and are only put in bass amps because it's a
no-brainer for the designer. The equalization in Gallien-
Krueger amplifi ers refl ects 30 years of continuous develop-
ment and refi nement. The GK equalizer is unique to the
industry, it's not just a normal four band equalizer, each
section is a special circuit optimized to perform a Bass
specifi c job in its range of operation.
These sections are wired in Series, so they add to one
another creating a tremendously fl exible equalizer, that
doesn't sound weird at any setting. You actually might
even get to hear that sound in your head.
Voicing Filters:
Voicing fi lters are used to completely re-voice the ampli-
fi er. In the case of the Contour and String Bass controls,
the effect is dramatic.
The Contour control tunes between two different shaping
circuits, with greatly different response. With the control
all the way up, the low end is slightly boosted, the mids are
dropped and the high end is pushed up. This is a response
contour not available with a normal equalizer, and is only
found in GK amplifi ers.
The way a Bass amp deals with the instrument low string
is a critical part of it's sound. In fact, a fi ve string instru-
ment requires an entirely different low end response than
a four string instrument. No equalizer can make the
necessary adjustments to accommodate both, however the
String Bass button on the 2001RB does just that. When
it is out, the 2001RB is voiced like the 800RB. Push it in
and the 2001RB is voiced for fi ve string instruments. For
some playing styles you may want it in, even with a four
string least now, you have a choice!
2001RB & 2001RBP
"G.I.V.E." Technology:
As in all GK pre-amps, the 2001RB pre-amp incorporates
what we call G.I.V.E (Gate Induced Valve Effect) Technol-
ogy. We use fi eld effect devices with the gate biased in a
way that emphasizes the optimum harmonic content of
the signal. Working in concert with our unique Four Band
Active Equalizer, and three stage Voicing Filter Section,
G.I.V.E. technology produces a consistently pleasing bass
Cool Running = Reliability:
The 2001RB uses a "dual rail power supply" that gener-
ates about half the heat of conventional amplifi ers. Low
output signals run off a low voltage supply, and high level
signals run off a high voltage supply. This keeps the amp
running a lot cooler and makes it much more reliable. To
cool the amp when its being driven hard, we've designed a
temperature sensitive fan cooling system. When the amp
is under a light load, the fan is off or running at a low
speed, reducing fan noise. As the amp works harder, the
fan speed increases to keep everything cool.
Smart Protection Circuitry:
The 2001RB's protection circuitry constantly monitors for
unsafe operating conditions such as short circuits, mis-
wired speaker cables, blown speakers, improper ventilation
and incorrect speaker confi gurations. In addition, protec-
tion is provided during power up/down. If the 2001RB
senses any unsafe operating conditions, the output signal
is immediately muted and the power light changes from
Blue to fl ashing orange. The amplifi er will remain
muted until the fault is removed. If the protection circuit
activates while playing, turn the amplifi er off and check
the amplifi er speaker output connections. Be sure that
you are not exceeding the maximum recommend load
described in this manual. Also, make sure that you have
connected the amplifi er to your speakers as described in
Bi-Amp and Normal Operation on page 7. If the problem
persists, contact GK directly for advice.
Low Noise Operation:
The 2001RB uses a high gain, high headroom, low noise
input stage. It has such a large dynamic range (60v p-p)
that very few instruments can overdrive it. Even most
basses with "active" electronics do not need the input at-
tenuator to be set. The benefi t to you is less hiss from your
horn, and over all, much less noise.