IKEA 504.756.23 Manuel - Sayfa 28

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IKEA 504.756.23 Manuel
downwards and the concave/convex parts placed obliquely, thus
allowing the water to reach every surface and flow freely.
allowing the water to reach every surface and flow freely.
Warning: lids, handles, trays and frying pans do not prevent the
Warning: lids, handles, trays and frying pans do not prevent the
sprayer arms from rotating.
sprayer arms from rotating.
Place any small items in the cutlery basket. Very soiled dishes
Place any small items in the cutlery basket. Very soiled dishes
and pans should be placed in the lower basket because in this
and pans should be placed in the lower basket because in this
sector the water sprays are stronger and allow a higher washing
sector the water sprays are stronger and allow a higher washing
After loading the appliance, make sure that the sprayer arms can
After loading the appliance, make sure that the sprayer arms can
cotate freely.

Chargement des paniers

cotate freely.
Plateau à couverts
The third rack was designed to house
The third rack was designed to house
Le troisième panier a été conçu pour
the cutlery.
the cutlery.
contenir les couverts.
Arrange the cutlery as shown in the
Arrange the cutlery as shown in the
Placez les couverts comme illustré
sur la figure.
A separate arrangement of the cutlery
A separate arrangement of the cutlery
Séparer les couverts facilite le
makes collection easier after washing
makes collection easier after washing
rangement après le cycle de lavage et
and improves washing and drying per-
and improves washing and drying per-
améliore les programmes de lavage
Before loading the baskets, remove all food residues from the
et de séchage.
Knives and other utensils with sharp
crockery and empty the glasses. You do not need to rinse before-
Knives and other utensils with sharp
hand under running water.
edges must be positioned with the
Les couteaux et autres ustensiles
edges must be positioned with the
Arrange the crockery so that it is held in place firmly and does
blades facing downwards.
avec des bords tranchants doivent
not tip over; and arrange the containers with the openings facing
blades facing downwards.
être placés avec la pointe vers le
downwards and the concave/convex parts placed obliquely, thus
allowing the water to reach every surface and flow freely.
Warning: lids, handles, trays and frying pans do not prevent the
sprayer arms from rotating.
Load delicate and light dishes: glasses,
Place any small items in the cutlery basket. Very soiled dishes
Panier supérieur
Load delicate and light dishes: glasses,
and pans should be placed in the lower basket because in this
cups, saucers, low salad bowls.
Chargez la vaisselle délicate et légère
cups, saucers, low salad bowls.
sector the water sprays are stronger and allow a higher washing
: verres, tasses, soucoupes, saladiers
The upper rack has tip-up supports
After loading the appliance, make sure that the sprayer arms can
The upper rack has tip-up supports
which can be used in a vertical position
cotate freely.
which can be used in a vertical position
when arranging tea/ dessert saucers
Le panier supérieur comprend des
when arranging tea/ dessert saucers
or in a lower position to load bowls and
or in a lower position to load bowls and
supports rabattables qui peuvent
food containers.
food containers.
être utilisés dans une position
verticale lorsque vous placez les
soucoupes à thé et à dessert, ou
abaissé pour charger les bols et les
(loading example for the upper rack)
(loading example for the upper rack)
récipients de nourriture.
(exemple de chargement du panier supérieur)
The height of the upper basket can be adju-
The height of the upper basket can be adju-
sted: high position to place bulky crockery
sted: high position to place bulky crockery
in the lower basket and low position to make
in the lower basket and low position to make
the most of the tip-up compartments by cre-
the most of the tip-up compartments by cre-
Ajuster la hauteur du panier
ating more space upwards.
ating more space upwards.
The upper rack is equipped with a Upper
The upper rack is equipped with a Upper
Vous pouvez ajuster la hauteur du
Rack height adjuster (see figure), without
Rack height adjuster (see figure), without
panier supérieur :
pressing the levers, lift it up by simply holding
pressing the levers, lift it up by simply holding
position élevée pour placer la
the rack sides, as soon as the rack is stable
the rack sides, as soon as the rack is stable
in its upper position. To restore to the lower
vaisselle encombrante sur le panier
in its upper position. To restore to the lower
position, press the levers (A) at the sides of
inférieur, et la position basse pour
position, press the levers (A) at the sides of
the rack and move the basket downwards.
profiter au maximum des supports
the rack and move the basket downwards.
We strongly recommend that you do not adjust the height of
rabattables et créant plus d'espace
We strongly recommend that you do not adjust the height of
the rack when it is loaded.
the rack when it is loaded.
vers le haut et éviter les chocs avec
NEVER raise or lower the basket on one side only.
NEVER raise or lower the basket on one side only.
les articles
chargés dans le panier inférieur.
éviter les chocs avec les articles
chargés dans le panier inférieur.
Le panier supérieur comprend un dispositif de réglage de la
hauteur du panier supérieur (voir figure), sans appuyer sur les
The height of the upper basket can be adju-
leviers, simplement soulever en tenant le panier sur les côtés
sted: high position to place bulky crockery
in the lower basket and low position to make
jusqu'à ce qu'il soit stable en position élevée.
the most of the tip-up compartments by cre-
Pour abaisser le panier, appuyez sur les leviers A sur les côtés du
ating more space upwards.
panier et déplacez-le vers le bas.
The upper rack is equipped with a Upper
Nous vous conseillons fortement de ne pas ajuster la
Rack height adjuster (see figure), without
hauteur du panier lorsqu'il est chargé. Ne JAMAIS soulever
pressing the levers, lift it up by simply holding
ou abaisser un seul côté du panier.
the rack sides, as soon as the rack is stable
in its upper position. To restore to the lower
position, press the levers (A) at the sides of
the rack and move the basket downwards.
We strongly recommend that you do not adjust the height of
the rack when it is loaded.
NEVER raise or lower the basket on one side only.
Pour télécharger la version complète, rendez-vous sur le site www.ikea.com
it and slide flaps down or pull it up and
attach flaps to the snaps.


• Wooden crockery and cutlery.
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique crockery.
Their decorations are not resistant.
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high temperatures.
• Copper and tin crockery.
• Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces can
change and fade during the washing process. Some types of glass (e.g.
crystal objects) can become opaque after a number of wash cycles too.
The third rack was designed to house
the cutlery.
Arrange the cutlery as shown in the
• Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the manufacturer
as dishwasher safe.
A separate arrangement of the cutlery
• Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery
makes collection easier after washing
• Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as the
and improves washing and drying per-
wash cycle is over.
Knives and other utensils with sharp
edges must be positioned with the
blades facing downwards.
To avoid odour and sediment which can be accumulated in the
dishwasher please run a high temperature program at least once
a month. Use a tea spoon of detergent and run it without the loading
to clean your appliance.
Load delicate and light dishes: glasses,
cups, saucers, low salad bowls.
• When the household dishwasher is used according to the manu-
The upper rack has tip-up supports
facturer's instructions, washing tableware in a dishwasher usu-
which can be used in a vertical position
ally consumes less energy and water than hand dishwashing.
when arranging tea/ dessert saucers
or in a lower position to load bowls and
• In order to maximize dishwasher efficiency it is recommended to
food containers.
initiate the wash cycle once dishwasher is fully loaded. Loading
the household dishwasher up to the capacity indicated by the man-
ufacturer will contribute to energy and water savings. Information
on correct loading of tableware can be found in Loading chapter.
(loading example for the upper rack)
In case of partial loading it is recommended to use dedicated wash
options if available (Half load/ Zone Wash, Multizone), fiilling up only
selected racks. Incorrect loading or overloading the dishwasher may
increase resources usage (such as water, energy and time, as well
as increase noise level), reducing cleaning and drying performance.
• Manual pre-rinsing of tableware items leads to increased water
and energy consumption and is not recommended.
glass into the corresponding slots.
Depending on the model:
Depending on the model:
• to unfold the flaps there is needed to slide
• to unfold the flaps there is needed to slide
it up and rotate or release it from the snaps
it up and rotate or release it from the snaps
and pull it down.
and pull it down.
• to fold the flaps there is needed to rotate
• to fold the flaps there is needed to rotate
it and slide flaps down or pull it up and
it and slide flaps down or pull it up and
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc....
attach flaps to the snaps.
attach flaps to the snaps.
Large plates and lids should ideally be
placed at the sides to avoid interferen-
ces with the spray arm.
The lower rack has tip-up supports
which can be used in a vertical position
when arranging plates or in a horizontal
position (lower) to load pans and salad
bowls easily.
The side foldable flaps can be fold or unfold
to optimize the arrangement of crockery
(loading example for the lower rack)
inside the rack.
Wine glasses can be placed safely in the
foldable flaps by inserting the stem of each
glass into the corresponding slots.
Depending on the model:
• to unfold the flaps there is needed to slide
• Wooden crockery and cutlery.
• Wooden crockery and cutlery.
it up and rotate or release it from the snaps
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique crockery.
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique crockery.
and pull it down.
Their decorations are not resistant.
Their decorations are not resistant.
• to fold the flaps there is needed to rotate
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high temperatures.
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high temperatures.
it and slide flaps down or pull it up and
• Copper and tin crockery.
• Copper and tin crockery.
attach flaps to the snaps.
• Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
• Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces can
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces can
change and fade during the washing process. Some types of glass (e.g.
change and fade during the washing process. Some types of glass (e.g.
crystal objects) can become opaque after a number of wash cycles too.
crystal objects) can become opaque after a number of wash cycles too.
• Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the manufacturer
• Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the manufacturer
as dishwasher safe.
as dishwasher safe.
• Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery
• Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery
• Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as the
• Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as the
wash cycle is over.
wash cycle is over.
To avoid odour and sediment which can be accumulated in the
To avoid odour and sediment which can be accumulated in the
dishwasher please run a high temperature program at least once
dishwasher please run a high temperature program at least once
a month. Use a tea spoon of detergent and run it without the loading
a month. Use a tea spoon of detergent and run it without the loading
to clean your appliance.
to clean your appliance.
(exemple de chargement du panier inférieur)
• When the household dishwasher is used according to the manu-
• When the household dishwasher is used according to the manu-
• Wooden crockery and cutlery.
facturer's instructions, washing tableware in a dishwasher usu-
facturer's instructions, washing tableware in a dishwasher usu-
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique crockery.
ally consumes less energy and water than hand dishwashing.
ally consumes less energy and water than hand dishwashing.
Their decorations are not resistant.
• In order to maximize dishwasher efficiency it is recommended to
• In order to maximize dishwasher efficiency it is recommended to
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high temperatures.
initiate the wash cycle once dishwasher is fully loaded. Loading
• Copper and tin crockery.
initiate the wash cycle once dishwasher is fully loaded. Loading
the household dishwasher up to the capacity indicated by the man-
• Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
the household dishwasher up to the capacity indicated by the man-
ufacturer will contribute to energy and water savings. Information
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces can
ufacturer will contribute to energy and water savings. Information
on correct loading of tableware can be found in Loading chapter.
change and fade during the washing process. Some types of glass (e.g.
on correct loading of tableware can be found in Loading chapter.
crystal objects) can become opaque after a number of wash cycles too.
In case of partial loading it is recommended to use dedicated wash
In case of partial loading it is recommended to use dedicated wash
options if available (Half load/ Zone Wash, Multizone), fiilling up only
options if available (Half load/ Zone Wash, Multizone), fiilling up only
selected racks. Incorrect loading or overloading the dishwasher may
selected racks. Incorrect loading or overloading the dishwasher may
• Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the manufacturer
increase resources usage (such as water, energy and time, as well
increase resources usage (such as water, energy and time, as well
as dishwasher safe.
as increase noise level), reducing cleaning and drying performance.
• Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery
as increase noise level), reducing cleaning and drying performance.
• Manual pre-rinsing of tableware items leads to increased water
• Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as the
• Manual pre-rinsing of tableware items leads to increased water
and energy consumption and is not recommended.
wash cycle is over.
and energy consumption and is not recommended.
To avoid odour and sediment which can be accumulated in the
dishwasher please run a high temperature program at least once
a month. Use a tea spoon of detergent and run it without the loading
to clean your appliance.
• When the household dishwasher is used according to the manu-
facturer's instructions, washing tableware in a dishwasher usu-
ally consumes less energy and water than hand dishwashing.
• In order to maximize dishwasher efficiency it is recommended to
initiate the wash cycle once dishwasher is fully loaded. Loading
the household dishwasher up to the capacity indicated by the man-
ufacturer will contribute to energy and water savings. Information
on correct loading of tableware can be found in Loading chapter.
In case of partial loading it is recommended to use dedicated wash
options if available (Half load/ Zone Wash, Multizone), fiilling up only
selected racks. Incorrect loading or overloading the dishwasher may
increase resources usage (such as water, energy and time, as well
as increase noise level), reducing cleaning and drying performance.
• Manual pre-rinsing of tableware items leads to increased water
and energy consumption and is not recommended.
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc....
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc....
Large plates and lids should ideally be
Large plates and lids should ideally be
placed at the sides to avoid interferen-
Volets pliables avec positions ajustables
placed at the sides to avoid interferen-
ces with the spray arm.
ces with the spray arm.
Les volets pliables peuvent être placés à
trois hauteurs différentes pour optimiser
The lower rack has tip-up supports
The lower rack has tip-up supports
le rangement de la vaisselle sur le panier.
which can be used in a vertical position
which can be used in a vertical position
when arranging plates or in a horizontal
Les verres de vin peuvent être placés de
when arranging plates or in a horizontal
position (lower) to load pans and salad
façon sécuritaire dans les volets pliables
position (lower) to load pans and salad
bowls easily.
en insérant le pied de chaque verre dans
bowls easily.
la fente correspondante.
Selon le modèle :
• pour déplier les volets, il est nécessaire
(loading example for the lower rack)
de les coulisser vers le haut et de les
(loading example for the lower rack)
tourner ou de les libérer des griffes et
de les tirer vers le bas.
• pour replier les volets, il est nécessaire
de les tourner et de les faire coulisser
vers le bas ou de les tirer vers le haut et
de fixer les pattes aux griffes.
Panier inférieur
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc....
Large plates and lids should ideally be
Pour les poêles, les couvercles, les plats,
placed at the sides to avoid interferen-
les saladiers, les couverts, etc...
ces with the spray arm.
Les grands plats et les grands couvercles
devraient être placés sur le côté pour
The lower rack has tip-up supports
éviter qu'ils n'entravent le fonctionnement
which can be used in a vertical position
des bras d'aspersion.
when arranging plates or in a horizontal
position (lower) to load pans and salad
Le panier inférieur comprend des
bowls easily.
supports rabattables qui peuvent être
placés en position verticale pour charger
des plaques, ou en position horizontale
(bas) pour faciliter le chargement des
(loading example for the lower rack)
casseroles et des bols de salade.