Allo RemoteControl SEA Head 433 2 Kullanıcı Programlama Kılavuzu - Sayfa 2
Uzaktan Kumanda Allo RemoteControl SEA Head 433 2 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Programlama Kılavuzu indirin. Allo RemoteControl SEA Head 433 2 2 sayfaları.
Receiver-based programming:
ATTENTION: if you keep the p rog ramming button of you r receive r p ressed down too long, you will
e rase the p rog ramming code of all of you r remote cont rols that ha ve al ready b een p rog rammed
Open the casing of your receiver. It is located next to your motor.
On the receiver circuit board, press the programming button P1 (fig 1). The LED light on the
receiver illuminates. Let the button go.
During the following 10 seconds, press a button on your new remote control. Let it go.
Wait 10 seconds.
Your new remote control is programmed.
Prog ramming Inst ruction –