DIGISYNTHETIC DSP3200 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 15

Amplifikatör DIGISYNTHETIC DSP3200 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. DIGISYNTHETIC DSP3200 18 sayfaları. Integrated dsp power amplifier

DIGISYNTHETIC DSP3200 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
3) Xover
Click the Xover b utton and then the parameters of filter ( slope and frequency of
HPF/LPF ) can be set. The MinimumFrequency of LPF is not lower than The maximum
frequency of H PF .
4) Delay
Click the Delay button and then the delay unit and delay time can be set. Max
delay: 8ms.
5) Phase
Click the 180 check box to
6) Limiter
Click the Limiter button and then the threshold, hold time, attack time an d
release time can be adjusted. Used for protecting the system
select The reverse phase
: 0 , 180 .