Scope of delivery of NCS for linear actuators > 14 mm (0.55 inch) .
Linear actuator > 14 mm (0.55 inch) 6DR4004-.N.30
NCS assembly kit, completely
With this assembly kit, the linear stroke is converted into a rotary movement by means of lever action.
In order to prevent interference on the sensor, the mounting elements should be made of non-ferrous antimagnetic metal,
e.g. A4 stainless steel or aluminum.
Equipment you need in addition to the scope of delivery listed below:
● NAMUR-Linear actuator mounting kit with short lever arm 2 to 35 mm; order number 6DR4004-8V.
● With additional extended lever arm for the range from 35 mm to 130 mm; order number 6DR4004-8L.
● A SIPART PS2 positioner with built-in EMC filter module, order number 6DR5...-....2.
● An EMC filter module with order number C73451-A430-D23 for retrofitting SIPART PS2 positioners.
See also
Mounting (Page 23)
10 Certificate
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Certificates (http://www.siemens.com/processinstrumentation/certificates)
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot
be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any
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Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Postfach 48 48
SIPART PS2 Non-Contacting Sensor (NCS)
A5E00097485, 01/2012
Containing the complete documentation for all device
Mounting by means of assembly kit for NAMUR linear
drives (available on separate order; refer to the
accessories section in catalog FI 01)
SIPART PS2 Non-Contacting Sensor (NCS)
A5E00097485-07, 01/2012