Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 8

Cep Telefonu Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 38 sayfaları.

Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
m anufact ured not t o exceed t he exposure lim it s for radio frequency ( RF)
energy set by t he Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) of t he U.S.
governm ent . These FCC exposure lim it s are derived from t he
recom m endat ions of t wo expert organizat ions, t he Nat ional Counsel on
Radiat ion Prot ect ion and Measurem ent ( NCRP) and t he I nst it ut e of
Elect rical and Elect ronics Engineers ( I EEE) . I n bot h cases, t he
recom m endat ions were developed by scient ific and engineering expert s
drawn from indust ry, governm ent , and academ ia aft er ext ensive reviews
of t he scient ific lit erat ure relat ed t o t he biological effect s of RF energy.
The exposure lim it set by t he FCC for wireless m obile phones em ploys a
unit of m easurem ent known as t he Specific Absorpt ion Rat e ( SAR) . The
SAR is a m easure of t he rat e of absorpt ion of RF energy by t he hum an
body expressed in unit s of wat t s per kilogram ( W/ kg) . The FCC requires
wireless phones t o com ply wit h a safet y lim it of 1.6 wat t s per kilogram
( 1.6 W/ kg) . The FCC exposure lim it incorporat es a subst ant ial m argin of
safet y t o give addit ional prot ect ion t o t he public and t o account for any
variat ions in m easurem ent s.
SAR t est s are conduct ed using st andard operat ing posit ions accept ed by
t he FCC wit h t he phone t ransm it t ing at it s highest cert ified power level in
all t est ed frequency bands. Alt hough t he SAR is det erm ined at t he highest
cert ified power level, t he act ual SAR level of t he phone while operat ing
can be well below t he m axim um value. This is because t he phone is
designed t o operat e at m ult iple power levels so as t o use only t he power
required t o reach t he net work. I n general, t he closer you are t o a wireless
base st at ion ant enna, t he lower t he power out put .
Before a new m odel phone is available for sale t o t he public, it m ust be
t est ed and cert ified t o t he FCC t hat it does not exceed t he exposure lim it
est ablished by t he FCC. Test s for each m odel phone are perform ed in
posit ions and locat ions ( e.g. at t he ear and worn on t he body) as required
by t he FCC.
For body worn operat ion, t his m odel phone has been t est ed and m eet s
t he FCC RF exposure guidelines when used wit h a Sam sung accessory
designat ed for t his product or when used wit h an accessory t hat cont ains
no m et al and t hat posit ions t he handset a m inim um of 1.5 cm from t he
Non- com pliance wit h t he above rest rict ions m ay result in violat ion of FCC
RF exposure guidelines.
SAR inform at ion on t his and ot her m odel phones can be viewed on- line at
This sit e uses t he phone FCC I D num ber,
Som et im es it m ay be necessary t o rem ove t he bat t ery pack
t o find t he num ber. Once you have t he FCC I D num ber for a part icular
phone, follow t he inst ruct ions on t he websit e and it should provide values
for t ypical or m axim um SAR for a part icular phone. Addit ional product
specific SAR inform at ion can also be obt ained at cgb/ sar.