Siemens 15-FSV-750 Kurulum Operasyon ve Bakım - Sayfa 29

Anahtar Siemens 15-FSV-750 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kurulum Operasyon ve Bakım indirin. Siemens 15-FSV-750 48 sayfaları. Vacuum circuit breakers fsv series and msv series

Siemens 15-FSV-750 Kurulum Operasyon ve Bakım

Minimum Maintenance Schedule


The operating mechanism should be oiled and l u b ricated at
least every 10 years or 1 0 , 000* make b reak operations under
'usual' operating conditions as defined by A . N. S . I . per the in­
structions which follow.


Before 30, 000* operations the b reaker should b e maintained
in accordance with the fo l lowi n g recomme ndations and the
following components replace d :
A) Vacuum I nterrupters
B) Spring Rel ease Coi l , 52SRC
C) Shunt Trip Coi l , 52T
D) Tri p Free Drive Bar Mechanism
When these parts are changed , locking devices must also be
removed and replace d . These include lock-washers, retai ning
rings, retaining c l i p s , spring pins, cotter pins, etc.
Hazardous voltages and h i g h speed me­
chanical parts will cause death, personal in­
jury and property damage.
Read i n struction manual , work only on an
el ectri cally isolated b reaker whose energy
s t o r a g e d e v i c e s h a v e b e e n f u l l y d i s ­
c h a r g e d . L i m i t w o r k t o f u l l y q u a l i f i e d
person n e l .
1 .
Replace Vacu u m I nterrupter, i n structions follow
2 .
Spring Release Coi l , 52SRC, and S h u nt Trip Coi l , 52T
Remove two "push on" terminal connections.
Remove two M4 hex head screws and d i smount solenoid
drawing it towards you.
Install replacement solenoids with two M4 hex head screws
and replace "push on" term i n a l s .
3 .
Lubricate operating mechanism i n accordance w i t h i n ­
structions which follow
4 . When work i s f i n i shed operate c i rcuit breaker, close open,
several times, and check that all screw connections are
Lubrication of the Operating
Hazardous voltages and h i g h speed me­
chanical parts can cause death, personal
i nj u ry and property damage.
Before start ing any work, b reaker should be
i so l a t e d , s h o rt c i r c u i t e d and g r o u n d e d .
Control power should b e d i sconnected and
breaker c losed and opened by hand u ntil
both springs have been d i scharged .
The main points to be l u b ricated with g rease (bearings and
·•sliding surfaces) are indicated in Fig. 1 8. All the points not marked
(bearing s , articu lated joints and auxi liary switc h) should be
treated with l i g h t m ac h i n e oil with rust i n h i bitor.
To rel u b ricate the mechanism remove the cover. L u b ricate all
the approximate points starting at the top left and wo rking
t h rough systematically. Parts t h at are not rigidly fixed ( e . g . ar­
ticu lated joints) should b e moved s l i ghtly to and fro to let the
oil penetrate. Fol l owing this, operate the breake r several times
to test it.
Articulated joints and bearings that cannot be dismantled should
not b e c l eaned with a cleaning agent prior to being o i l e d .
Lubri c ating Materi als:
Bearings a n d Sliding Surfaces
H u m b l e O i l and Refining Co. , O r
Beacon 325,
1 5-33 7 - 1 3 1 -001
K l u e b e r L u b rication Corp.
Centoplex 24.DL,
G re n i e r I n d u strial Park, Manchester, N H 031 03
Pivots and A rticulated Joints, A uxiliary Switches, etc.
Valvo l i n e O i l C o . , D i vis ion of Ashland O i l l n c .
Tectyl 910
Ashland D r. , Ashland, Ky. 4 1 1 0 1
See Vehicle L u b rication Section for Additional I nformation
*Perform lubrication at 3 , 000 operations and overhaul at 1 0, 000
operations for type 5-FSV-350 and 1 5-FSV- 1 000 c i rcuit breakers.
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