Cisco T-Mobile Home HiPort Kullanıcı Kılavuzu - Sayfa 8

Ağ Yönlendiricisi Cisco T-Mobile Home HiPort için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanıcı Kılavuzu indirin. Cisco T-Mobile Home HiPort 41 sayfaları. T-mobile home

Cisco T-Mobile Home HiPort Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
Chapter 3
Chapter 3:
For details on connecting the HiPort, please refer to the
Installation chapter . This chapter will describe each screen
of the web-based utility and each screen's key functions .
The web-based utility can be accessed via your web
browser through use of a computer connected to the
HiPort . Most users only have to configure the following
Basic Setup
On the Setup > Basic Setup screen, enter
the Internet connection settings provided by your
Internet Service Provider (ISP) . If you do not have
this information, you can call your ISP to request the
settings . When you have the setup information, then
you can configure the HiPort .
On the Administration > Management
screen, change the local router access password from
the default value (admin) . Enter a new password in the
Password and Re-enter to confirm fields .
There are six main tabs: Setup, Security, Access Restrictions,
Applications & Gaming, Administration, and Status . Sub
tabs vary depending upon the main tab selection .

How to Access the Web-Based Utility

To access the web-based utility of the HiPort, launch your
web browser, and enter the HiPort's default IP address,, in the Address field . Press the Enter key .
Internet Explorer Address Bar
A screen will appear asking you for your User name and
Password . Enter admin in the User Name field . Enter
admin in the Password field . Then click OK .
Login Screen
Make the necessary changes through the Utility . When
you have finished making changes to a screen, click Save
Settings to save the changes, or click Cancel Changes to
undo your changes . Help information is available on the
right side of the screen .
HiPort User Guide
The Setup Tab > Basic Setup
The Basic Setup screen is the first screen you see when you
access the web-based utility .
Setup > Basic Setup
Internet Setup
The Internet Setup section configures the HiPort for
your Internet connection type . This information can be
obtained from your ISP .
Internet Connection Type
The HiPort supports two connection types: Automatic
Configuration - DHCP and Static IP . Each Basic Setup screen
and the available features will differ depending on what
kind of connection type you select .
Automatic Configuration - DHCP
By default, the HiPort's Internet Connection Type is set to
Automatic Configuration - DHCP, and it should be used
only if your ISP supports DHCP .
Static IP
If you are required to use a permanent IP address, then
select Static IP .
Internet Connection Type > Static IP