Alcolizer LE 5 Kullanım Kılavuzu - Sayfa 4
Test Ekipmanları Alcolizer LE 5 için çevrimiçi göz atın veya pdf Kullanım Kılavuzu indirin. Alcolizer LE 5 11 sayfaları.
1 Introduction
This Calibration Manual details the procedures for performing the calibration of the
Alcolizer LE 5 alcohol breath testing device.
This Calibration Manual is divided into various Sections and Sub-sections to enable the
authorised calibration technician to access the required information with ease. It includes
Cautions and Notes applicable to calibrating the LE 5 device.
Calibration of the Alcolizer LE 5 device should only be performed by a qualified technical person
using certified alcohol solutions dry gas standards.
2 Getting Started
Prior to beginning the calibration procedure, ensure the following steps are taken and
precautions adhered too:
Read the entire manual carefully before calibrating the device for the first time.
Ensure the device has at least 3 bars or battery power prior to calibration.
If a dry gas standard is being used, ensure that the gas reference value has being
certified and a certification certificate is attached to the cylinder.
Fuel cell sensors have different sensitivity parameters to wet and dry reference gas standards, a
correction factor must be applied when using dry gas as the calibration standard to correctly correlate
with wet gas solution standard.
3 Serial Number
Turn the unit on and record the days to cal and the battery bars on the record sheet.
Record the serial number found on the back of the unit onto the record sheet.
Replace any damaged or faded serial number stickers.
4 Check Firmware
Enter the 'About' menu and press the main button until the unit's details are
The firmware version will be displayed for both the SM and MM. Check that it is the
latest version.
If it is not the latest, update using Alcoconnect toolbox.
Record the number of days until calibration is due if any.
REF: LE5 Calibration Instructions_Whole Units V5
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