Adel Trinity 788 Kılavuzlar
Adel Trinity 788 için kullanıcı kılavuzları ve kullanım kılavuzları.
Belge türlerine göre ücretsiz indirmek için 2 pdf Kılavuzlar Adel Trinity 788 sağlıyoruz: Kullanım Kılavuzu.
- 1. Table of Contents
- 2. Assignment of Fingerprint and Password
- 3. Initialization of the Door Lock
- 4. Enrollment of Master Fingerprints / Member Fingerprints
- 5. Setup of Spare Password
- 6. Deletion of Fingerprints
- 7. Deletion of Password
- 8. Daily Use State
- 9. Use of Emergency Key
- 10. Use of External Power
- 11. Change of Batteries
- 1. Table of Contents
- 2. Assignment of Fingerprint and Password
- 3. Initialization of the Door Lock
- 4. Enrollment of Master Fingerprints / Member Fingerprints
- 5. Setup of Spare Password
- 6. Deletion of Fingerprints
- 7. Deletion of Password
- 8. Daily Use State
- 9. Use of Emergency Key
- 10. Use of External Power
- 11. Change of Batteries