ASTRO-MED Dash 16u Посібник із швидкого старту - Сторінка 12

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II. Data Capture
Enter data capture setup
Format memory
Select capture of all channels
Set sample rate to 200 kHz
Set record size to 1 Ms
Set trigger window to 20%
Set capture for one record
Be sure auto triggering is OFF
Enter trigger setup
Enable waveform triggering
Set up the logic for triggering
Pick waveform(s) for triggering
Set up the level for triggering
Run the chart
Arm for capture
Set up one data capture for 0.582 seconds. The capture should be triggered when
the sine wave is applied. The data capture should be a total of 0.582 seconds .
Of the total capture time, 0.116 seconds of the capture should show what the
signal looked like before the sine wave was applied.
select 4 records x 1024 Ks maximum. [BEGIN] [BEGIN] [EXIT] [EXIT]
[EVENT CHANNELS] Toggle to SAVED to include event markers with the
capture. [EXIT]
[SET SAMPLE RATE] The number of samples per second. In general, select
at least ten times the frequency of your signal or the frequency of any changes in
signal. Turn encoder wheel until sample rate is 200 kHz.
[SET RECORD SIZE] The Dash 16u will give you the amount of time that data
will be captured based on the record size and the sample rate. This is shown
under the duration field. Turn encoder wheel until record size is 1 Ms.
[SET TRIGGER WINDOW] Placing the trigger at any point other than the
start of the capture window will allow for pre-trigger data to be captured. Turn
encoder wheel until trigger window is 20%.
[SET OPERATION] You can capture one record or re-arm for more captures.
Turn encoder wheel to single capture.
[ADVANCED] [AUTO TRIGGER] If auto triggering is ON, toggle to OFF.
If toggled ON, auto-triggering is designed to immediately capture data once the
Dash 16u is armed.
[WAVEFORM] Waveform should be toggled to ON position.
[TOGGLE LOGIC] Insure that OR logic is chosen.
Turn encoder wheel so that only Channel #1 is selected.
[SETUP WAVEFORM] [SET CHANNEL] Turn encoder wheel to select
Channel #1.
[SET TYPE / CLASS] Use wheel to select window - outside for type of
trigger.[<<FIELD>>] Turn encoder wheel to set the High level to be 65%.
[<<FIELD>>] Turn encoder wheel to set the Low level to be 35%.
[ARM] This key is located near the encoder wheel. The Dash 16u is now
recording pre-trigger data, waiting for the trigger.