3xLogic VISIX 360 Посібник з монтажу - Сторінка 4

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник з монтажу для Камера спостереження 3xLogic VISIX 360. 3xLogic VISIX 360 16 сторінок. 3xlogic visix 360 network camera
Також для 3xLogic VISIX 360: Посібник з встановлення обладнання (16 сторінок)

3xLogic VISIX	360 Посібник з монтажу
Regulatory   I nformation  
FCC   I nformation  
FCC   c ompliance:  
T his   e quipment   h as   b een   t ested   a nd   f ound   t o   c omply   w ith   t he   l imits   f or   a   d igital   d evice,  
pursuant   t o   p art   1 5   o f   t he   F CC   R ules.   T hese   l imits   a re   d esigned   t o   p rovide   r easonable   p rotection   a gainst   h armful  
interference   w hen   t he   e quipment   i s   o perated   i n   a   c ommercial   e nvironment.   T his   e quipment   g enerates,   u ses,  
and   c an   r adiate   r adio   f requency   e nergy   a nd,   i f   n ot   i nstalled   a nd   u sed   i n   a ccordance   w ith   t he   i nstruction   m anual,  
may   c ause   h armful   i nterference   t o   r adio   c ommunications.   O peration   o f   t his   e quipment   i n   a   r esidential   a rea   i s  
likely   t o   c ause   h armful   i nterference   i n   w hich   c ase   t he   u ser   w ill   b e   r equired   t o   c orrect   t he   i nterference   a t   h is   o wn  
FCC   C onditions  
This   d evice   c omplies   w ith   p art   1 5   o f   t he   F CC   R ules.   O peration   i s   s ubject   t o   t he   f ollowing   t wo   c onditions:  
1.   T his   d evice   m ay   n ot   c ause   h armful   i nterference.
2.   T his   d evice   m ust   a ccept   a ny   i nterference   r eceived,   i ncluding   i nterference   t hat   m ay   c ause   u ndesired   o peration.  
EU   C onformity   S tatement  
This   p roduct   a nd   -­‐   i f   a pplicable   -­‐   t he   s upplied   a ccessories   t oo   a re   m arked   w ith   " CE"   a nd  
comply   t herefore   w ith   t he   a pplicable   h armonized   E uropean   s tandards   l isted   u nder   t he   L ow  
Voltage   D irective   2 006/95/EC,   t he   E MC   D irective   2 004/108/EC,   t he   R oHS   D irective  
2012/19/EU   ( WEEE   d irective):   P roducts   m arked   w ith   t his   s ymbol   c annot   b e   d isposed   o f   a s  
unsorted   m unicipal   w aste   i n   t he   E uropean   U nion.   F or   p roper   r ecycling,   r eturn   t his   p roduct   t o  
your   l ocal   s upplier   u pon   t he   p urchase   o f   e quivalent   n ew   e quipment,   o r   d ispose   o f   i t   a t  
designated   c ollection   p oints.   F or   m ore   i nformation   s ee:   w ww.recyclethis.info.  
2006/66/EC   ( battery   d irective):   T his   p roduct   c ontains   a   b attery   t hat   c annot   b e   d isposed   o f   a s  
unsorted   m unicipal   w aste   i n   t he   E uropean   U nion.   S ee   t he   p roduct   d ocumentation   f or  
specific   b attery   i nformation.   T he   b attery   i s   m arked   w ith   t his   s ymbol,   w hich   m ay   i nclude  
lettering   t o   i ndicate   c admium   ( Cd),   l ead   ( Pb),   o r   m ercury   ( Hg).   F or   p roper   r ecycling,   r eturn  
the   b attery   t o   y our   s upplier   o r   t o   a   d esignated   c ollection   p oint.   F or   m ore   i nformation   s ee:  
10225  Westmoor  Drive,  Suite  300,  Westminster,  CO  80021  |  www.3xlogic.com  |  (877)  3XLOGIC
Hardware  Install  Manual  |   V ISIX   3 60   N etwork   C amera