Apogee Trak 2 Технічний паспорт

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Технічний паспорт для Підсилювач Apogee Trak 2. Apogee Trak 2 2 сторінки. Reference standard microphone preamplifier/conversion system

• Superb two-channel microphone preamplifier with
±90dB gain, phantom power, front-panel universal input
socket, high-impedance direct instrument input, analog
out ...and an incredible sound.
• Two channels of Apogee's true 24-bit, 96 kHz A/D con-
version with 117 dB dynamic range.
• AES/EBU and S/PDIF out plus two AMBus card slots to
interface with Pro Tools, ADAT, TDIF, SDIF-II, etc.
• Apogee Soft Limit
helps you record at a higher level
without overs; Soft Saturate™ gives you the sound of
analog tape compression!
Everything You Need... And More.
With the Trak2, you can have everything
you need for a high-quality digital session –
in one compact single-unit rack space. A
superb mic pre; incredible A/D; any inter-
face you need; and behind it, Apogee's leg-
endary name and reputation for the very
highest audio quality available in the indus-
try today.
A superb mic preamp...
At the front of the Trak2 is a discrete micro-
phone preamplifier which stacks up favorably
against the best-known mic pres available.
Accessible via rear panel XLRs or the front-
panel universal XLR/
in connectors, the
sound of this preamp will have you wanting
to use it on every session, analog or digital.
The preamp also accepts hi-Z instrument
inputs at the front panel, for maximum versa-
tility. Just plug an input into the front panel
and it's selected automatically.
An insert point is included to provide an
analog output or to allow the insertion of
analog processors into the Trak2 signal path.
...An incredible A/D
From the analog stage, the signal passes to
The Trak2's innovative interface marks a new departure for Apogee. Instead of many multi-function buttons, a single Delta-wheel and cursor
controls allow you to navigate an interactive menu system that provides status and configuration information quicky and intuitively.
Apogee Trak2
Apogee Trak2
the very latest in A/D conversion technology
from Apogee's award-winning engineering
design team.
The 2-channel, 24-bit A/D operates at
44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz with a dynamic
range in excess of 117 dB and an overall level
of quality exceeding that of systems costing
several times the price.
The A/D also includes Apogee's renowned
Soft Limit process, which maximizes record-
ing level without overs; and the return of
Apogee's unique Soft Saturate system, which
simulates analog tape compression. Either
feature can be switched in and out on one or
both channels.
Maximum Interface Versatility
Two Apogee Multimedia Bus (AMBus) slots
are provided in addition to the built-in AES-
S/PDIF output, enabling the Trak2 to connect
to a wide variety of industry standard inter-
faces including Digidesign's Pro Tools, ADAT,
TDIF, SDIF-II, SSL HiWay, and others, with
new cards being added all the time. Many
cards support Apogee Bit-Splitting, which
enables you to use standard 44.1/48, 16-bit
recorders to store 20-, 24-bit, and even 96
kHz signals.
The Trak2 features the latest version of the
• Apogee low-jitter master clock.
• Apogee's enhanced UV22HR™ translates 24-bit signals
to 20 or 16 bits while maintaining high-resolution detail.
• Video sync capability.
• Clear LCD display shows configuration and signal flow.
• Cursor controls/delta-wheel for fast settings changes.
• Settings can be saved to presets and recalled.
• Programmable Quick Keys for instant access to
frequently-used functions.
• Easy-to-read 2-channel LED bar metering
• User-definable over detection (1-4 digital full scale)
Apogee Ultra-Low Jitter Clock, used to lock
the unit to incoming digital or video signals
and virtually remove jitter. Also included is
the latest incarnation of Apogee's industry-
standard UV22 system for digital word-length
reduction, UV22 HR (High Resolution), which
takes a high-resolution digital signal and
reduces the word-length to 16 or 20 bits for
CD or DVD-V mastering and Internet applica-
tions while maintaining 24-bit detail.
The Trak2 includes a special slot for an
optional 2-channel or 8-channel D/A card
with specifications matching those of the A/D
section, turning the Trak2 into a complete
digital audio conversion system with two A/D
channels and up to 8 D/A.
You've never encountered anything like the
Trak2 from Apogee Digital. With the
sweetest-sounding mic preamp you've ever
heard, superb 24-bit, 96kHz A/D and
optional D/A conversion, interfacing with
almost any digital system including a direct
connection to Pro Tools... the possibilities
are endless.
today... and hear The Apogee Difference.
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