austriamicrosystems AS5045A Посібник з експлуатації - Сторінка 4

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник з експлуатації для Материнська плата austriamicrosystems AS5045A. austriamicrosystems AS5045A 12 сторінок. Demoboard

4 AS5000 Programmer GUI software


Installing the GUI on the PC

The preliminary software is developed for a Microsoft Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2. In addition
the dotnet (.NET) framework version 2.0 or more must be installed on the PC. This package can be downloaded free of
charge from the Microsoft webpage:
Following Procedure is recommended before starting the GUI:
check on your PC if Service Pack 2 is installed
install the mentioned .NET package to your computer
execute setup.exe
Finally start the GUI using the shortcut in the start menu or desktop.

The Home tab

Figure 3 shows the main window of the GUI. On the top left corner, board information's as firmware (FW) version and
demoboard name declaration can be found.
By default the GUI is in the auto detection mode. Any connected austriamicrosystems demoboard and programming tool will
be automatically detected and the device type is displayed in the right top corner of the main window. The GUI is divided into
three main sections HOME, SSI and OTP.
Revision 1.3, 22-Jul-2009
Device selection list:
Change the encoder type if a different encoder type is
connected externally on J6 and SW1 on left position
Figure 4: AS5000 GUI has detected the AS5045 Demoboard
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