HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 Посібник з монтажу - Сторінка 4

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Посібник з монтажу для Адаптер HighPoint RocketRAID 2711. HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 19 сторінок. With ej6172 device board and data raid

HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 Посібник з монтажу
Part   2   –   P re-­‐requisite   f or   D ata   R AID   C onfiguration    
Overview   –   T he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   s upport   D ata   R AID   c onfigurations   i nclude   R AID  
0,   1 ,   5 ,   6 ,   1 0   a rrays.   T his   d ocument   w ill   i nclude   t he   i nstallations   s teps   t o   c onfigure   a nd   s etup   y our  
hardware   t o   s upport   D ata   R AID   a rrays.    
The   h ardware   a nd   s oftware   p re-­‐requests   a re   l isted   b elow:    
RocketRAID   2 711   s eries   H BA   w ith   H igh   D ensity   B IOS  
RocketRAID   2 711   s eries   W indows   R AID   d rivers  
Motherboard   w ith   P CI-­‐e   ( 1.0   o r   2 .0)   x 8   o r   x 16   s lot    
Storage   c hassis   w ith   E J6172   S ATA   J BOD   B oard  
System   R equirements  
PC   H ardware:   M otherboard   w ith   a n   a vailable   P CIe   2 .0   o r   1 .0   s lot   c apable   o f   s upporting   a n   x 8   ( 8-­‐
lane)   o r   x 16   ( 16-­‐lane)   l ength   P CIe   c ard.   F or   o ptimal   p erformance,   u se   a   P CIe   2 .0   s lot   r unning   a t   x 8   o r  
x16   s peeds.    
Before,   i nstalling   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   m ake   s ure   t he   c omputer   i s   t urned   o ff   a nd  
unplugged   f rom   i ts   p ower   s ource.   T ake   a ppropriate   e lectrostatic   d ischarge   p recautions:  
Your   c omputer   i s   a   s tatic-­‐sensitive   d evice.   I t   i s   s usceptible   t o   i nvisible   d amage   i f   n ot   p rotected   d uring  
We   r ecommend   p roper   g rounding   b y   u sing   a   g rounding   s trap.   M ake   s ure   t o   w ork   i n   a   c lean   a nd  
static-­‐free   a rea,   a nd   a void   w earing   c lothing   t hat   r etains   s tatic   c harges.  
RocketRAID   2 711   H igh   D ensity   B IOS    
The   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ill   n eed   t o   h ave   H igh   D ensity   B IOS   u pdated   t o   t he   c ontroller  
before   p roceeding   t o   t he   W indows   d evice   d river   i nstallation.      
Download   t he   H igh   D ensity   B IOS   f rom   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   p roduct   p age   d ownload   s ection   a nd  
follow   t he   i nstructions   b elow   f or   u pdating.  
Step   1 :   I nstall   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711    
Step   2 :   B oot   t he   s ystem   i nto   M S-­‐DOS   m ode.   A   U SB   t humb   d rive   i s   r ecommended   f or   b ooting   i nto   M S-­‐
Step   3 :   E xecute   t he   L OAD.exe   u tility   t o   r e-­‐flash   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ith   t he   n ew  
High   D ensity   B IOS.    
Step   4 :   L oad   r r2711.v12  
Step   5 :   F ollow   t he   p rompts   t o   r e-­‐flash   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   w ith   t he   H igh   D ensity  
Step   6 :   R eboot   t he   s ystem   w hen   t he   R ocketRAID   2 711   s eries   c ontroller   h as   c ompleted   t he   r e-­‐flash.