Adey CP1-03-04915 Встановлення та обслуговування - Сторінка 11
Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Встановлення та обслуговування для Водяний насос Adey CP1-03-04915. Adey CP1-03-04915 19 сторінок. Digital pressurisation unit
6 .19 Advanced setting menu
(Pass code protected, if set)
The following functions can be set and modified:-
Can be set to operate if
Low water
Pump fail
Common alarm relay allocation
Pump run time
Pump activity high
Sensor error
'Common alarm relay operation
Allows the relay to operate either as normally open or normally closed .
Sets the maximum time a pump can run before the pump run time
Run time limit
alarm is activated . Set in increments of 10 minutes up to 60 minutes
maximum . Disabled when the System fill option is turned on .
Sets a 4 digit passcode, defaults to 0000 (off) . Can be user set to limit
Passcode change
access to Setting, Advance setting and Test menus .
Sets the time the pump will continue to run after the system pressure
(2) is reached on rising pressure . Adjustable from 3 to 120 seconds,
Pump run on delay
pre-set to 10 seconds . Reducing this time will improve the accuracy
of the pressure setting on lower volume systems
Sets the time delay in starting the pump after system pressure -
differential pressure (3) is reached on falling pressure . Adjustable
Pump start delay
from 3 to 120 seconds, pre-set to 3 seconds . Increasing this time will
reduce un-wanted APU Midi operation during rapid system pressure
fluctuations (circulator pump starts)
6 .20 Test menu
(Pass code protected, if set)
The following functions can be set and modified:-
Forces pump 1 (LH) or 2 (RH) to run for 5-10 seconds to enable
Pump test
operation of the pump to be confirmed .
Monitors the volume of water pumped into the system since it was
System fill volume
last reset . Displayed in cubic metres (1m³ = 1000 litres) . Can be user
reset .
Monitors the rate at which water is flowing into the system and is
Fill rate
displayed as a real time flow rate (l/min) .
Monitors how long the electrical power has been applied to the APU .
Power interrupt log
Resets when power is removed or during a power cut . No user input .
Controller info
Displays software revision and pump set up . No user input .
Alarm log
Displays the last 30 alarm events . Can be user reset .
Pump run time log
Displays how long each pump has run . Can be user reset
Displays which pump has run and how long it ran for . Can be user
Pump activity log
reset .
of the following alarms activate:-
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6 .21 Pre-set values
The APU will be delivered with the following pre-set values:-
6 .22 Setting menu
Set Pressure
2 bar
0 .2 bar
Hi Alarm
2 .5 bar
Lo Alarm
1 . 3 bar
System fill
Run activity high
6 .23 Advanced setting menu
Relay allocation
Pump fail
Relay operation
normally open
Pass code
0000 (not active)
Run time limit
10 minutes
Pump run on delay
10 seconds
Pump start delay
3 seconds
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