Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS Технічні характеристики - Сторінка 38

Переглянути онлайн або завантажити pdf Технічні характеристики для Принтер "Все в одному Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS. Xerox DocuPrint 4890 NPS 42 сторінки. Xerox printer specification sheet

SO 4-5
transmission rate IP 1-5, SO 5-2
transparencies, selecting IP A+2, SO 6-2
transport, bypass PJ 1-18
tray assignment, PCL PD 2-12
tray assignments PD 2-13
Tray definition, PCL PD 2-12
Tray Full indicator RM 2-1
Tray Unlock button RM 1-2, TG 4-1
determinig loaded media DC 6-8
feeder IP 3-2, SO 3-2
loading feeder RM 1-1
output RM 2-1
sample IP 3-2, SO 3-2
selecting PJ 4-1
Set Tray command DC 7-6
specifying PJ 1-18
number DC 6-10
stacker IP 3-2, SO 3-2
stitcher/stacker RM 2-2
trays, see input trays; output trays
Novell implementation TG 3-1–TG 3-3
Xerox Client Software installation TG
2-1–TG 2-2
tumble duplex printing PJ 5-11
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ
turning radius IP 6-16–IP 6-18
Type 0 fonts PD 1-3
installing PD 1-3
Type 1 fonts
creating PD 1-6
installing PD 1-2
loading PD 1-4, PD 1-6
using PD 1-5–PD 1-8
Type 3 fonts PD 1-3
installing PD 1-3
typefaces, see fonts
UI commands
Change virtual printer
Backgroundform attribute DC 7-2
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PD = Guide to Using PDL
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
CycleForms attribute DC 5-5–DC 5-8
disposition attribute DC 7-3

overview DC 7-2

Create Virtual Printer DC 7-1
Delete Form DC 7-4
Delete Virtual Printer DC 7-4
List Documents DC D1-9
List Forms DC 7-4, DC D1-7
List Virtual Printers DC 7-5
listed DC 7-1
Print Form Sample DC 7-6, DC D1-3
Set Tray DC 7-6
Show Log DC 7-7, DC D1-1
Show Status DC 7-8, DC D1-7
Start Virtual Printer DC 7-9
Stop Virtual Printer DC 7-9
Uncollated attribute PJ 1-22
undefined command error PD 1-18
underscore support SO 5-6
United States/Canada IP 5-2
command tool SJ 4-10
compressed bar format CM 2-3
root password, selecting SJ 4-9
shell, using CM 12-2
Sun operating system IP 2-7, SO 2-7
Superuser password SJ 4-9
UNIX client software
installing SJ 2-9
removing SJ 2-14
Unix compressed bar format CM 2-3, CM
2-5, CM 2-6
Unix shell
disabling remote CM 2-32
disabling remotely CM 2-32
enabling remotely CM 2-31
dual stacker trays RM 2-1

stitcher/stacker trays RM 2-2

unresponsive printer CM 3-5
Unset Tray CM 5-9, CM 5-10

software CM 2-7

updates, software
installing from CD-ROM CM 2-7
installing from diskette CM 2-7
SO = System Overview Guide
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine
TG = Troubleshooting Guide
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