EDIC-mini A41-2400h Коротка інструкція з експлуатації

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Short Operating Instruction
for Digital Recorder EDIC-mini Tiny 16
Miniature digital voice recorder Edic-mini Tiny
6 A40 is intended for professional audio voice
recording into the built-in flash memory, the
recordings can be further uploaded onto a computer.
The Recorder can be used simultaneously as a
voice recorder when recording messages and a
flash media when storing and transferring data of
any standards.
• Wooden case;
• USB interface (exchange speed up to 0,7 Mb);
• VAS (Voice Activating System) to compress
pauses while recording;
• Built-in real time clock;
• Timers to turn the recorder on at the preset time;
• Information protection system;
• AGC system to adjust the amplification
according to the external acoustic conditions;
• Replaceable rechargeable battery.