Green Air Designs Su-27 Flanker Gebrauchsanweisung - Seite 4

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Step 2 – Main Fuse Fitment
Refer to drawings on page "step 2" for basic build.
Our next task is to make up the main fuse section.
1. Tape up main fuse with packing tape on the outside only (stops the
Depron from cracking when rolling and forming).
2. Groove the inside of the fuse to allow them to roll. (Refer to drawings If
Not Laser cut).
3. Hand form the fuse to nicely curved shape and tape into position.
4. Roll the nose section of the fuse into a circle, epoxy both top and
bottom joints and tape together at correct angle, allow to set.
5. You can use fairly warm water (NOT BOILING) to set the shape into
fuse. Alternatively, just tape the shape and leave over night. You will
cause hysterisis in the foam and take the shape over time.
6. Glue top of fuse together and sand as necessary to make nice fit.
7. Once set, trial fit the fuse to the base. Sand any inaccuracies so fuse
fits snugly, pin, tape and then glue into place, allow to set completely
before removing pins, tape etc.
Great now you the basis of your Su-27 Flanker!!!!!