If An Alarm Sounds
Fire Alarm
If your system has b e en installe d with fire d ete ctors and the alarm sounds in a pulsing mod e, follow
your emerg ency eva cuation plan imme diately (se e "Fire Esc a p e Planning" on p a g e 15).
Intrusion Alarm
If an intrusion alarm sounds, indic ate d by a continuous b ell or siren, the alarm may b e silenc e d by
entering your a c c ess cod e. If the alarm was unintentional, c all loc al authorities imme diately to avoid an
unne c essary response.
You c an d etermine the sourc e of the alarm by following the instructions in the "Disarming" se ction (se e
p a g e 6). O nc e the sourc e of the alarm has b e en corre cte d, the p anel c an b e restore d to its original
Arme d state.
Function Keys
E a ch keyp a d has five function keys, loc ate d to the right of the numb er p a d, which allow e asy single-
button a ctivation of the most commonly use d fe atures. If these keys have b e en ena ble d by your
installer , you c an exe cute their programme d function by pressing and holding the corresponding key
for two se conds.
For information re g arding the op eration of the function keys, talk to your alarm installer.
Programming Security Codes
Programming codes from an LED Keypad:
The Master Code
To program the Master C od e, enter [
C od e must b e four digits unless otherwise indic ate d by your installer. Enter digits 0 through 9 only.
Press [#] to return to the Re a dy state.
B e sure to re cord your new Master C od e on the "System Information" p a g e in this booklet. NOTE: We
recommend that the factory default Master Code [1234] not be used.
Additional Codes
U p to 32 a d ditional a c c ess cod es (01 through 32) may b e programme d.
To program a new code:
Enter [
][5][Master C od e][cod e numb er 01 to 32][new a c c ess cod e]. The cod e numb er is a double digit
from 01 to 32. A c c ess cod es must b e four digits unless otherwise indic ate d by your installer. Enter
digits 0 through 9 only. Press [#] to return to the Re a dy state.
If an a c c ess cod e alre a dy exists for the cod e numb er you have sele cte d, it will b e re pla c e d by the new
cod e. B e sure to re cord your new cod e(s) on the "System Information" p a g e in this book.
To erase a code:
Enter [
][5][Master C od e][cod e numb er 01 to 32][
erase the Master code.
][5][current Master C od e][40][new Master C od e]. The Master
]. Press [#] to return to the Re a dy state. Do not
Continued on page 10...