Aquascape Pro Pond Air PRO Petunjuk & Pemeliharaan - Halaman 4

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• Carefully unpack the
Aquascape pond Air
pro system and select
location for the pond Air
pro pump. DO NOt
NOtE: Even though a check valve is included, we recommend
placing the pump in a location above the pond's water level,
whenever possible, to prevent water from
ever entering the pump.
• Thread the barbed fitting into the
discharge of the pump.
• Attach the end of air
tubing with the pre-
installed check valve
to the front of the air
pump. the check valve
is designed to prevent
water from siphoning
back through the tubing
and entering into the
compressor. failure
to install the check
valve may result in
the compressor being
permanently damaged,
voiding the warranty.
• Attach the Aeration Disc
to the opposite end of the
air tubing.
• Position the Aeration Disc in the bottom of the pond during
summer or on a pond shelf during winter.
tIP - Rocks or gravel can be
used to hide the airline
tubing and to prevent it
from floating.
• Connect the pump to an
outlet that is protected
by a ground fault circuit
interrupter (gfCi)

OPeratiOn and MaintenanCe

Winter application: the
pond Air pro can be used
during the winter months,
where bubbles and water
movement created at the
surface help to maintain
a small opening in the
ice for oxygenation. Do
Not place the Aeration
Disc on the bottom of the
pond during the winter, as
it may disrupt the natural
thermocline found in the
deeper portions of the
pond where the fish are
overwintering. instead,
place the Aeration Disc
about 1 to 1 ½ feet below the surface of the water.
if you choose not to operate your pond Air pro during the
winter, we recommend covering the pump or storing it in a
frost-free location.
maintenance: the Air
inlet Sponge filter should
be checked annually or
if the pump ever makes
CheCk ValVe
any abnormal noises.
if operating the unit in
dusty conditions, you will
need to check it more
frequently. the pump is
easily checked by gently
popping off the top plastic
pump cover.
the Sponge filter and lid can be rinsed in clean water and
thoroughly dried before replacing. replacement Sponge filters
and lids can be purchased from your local Aquascape Dealer.


• Reduced or No Air Flow
– Make sure check valve is orientated in the proper direction
– Make sure airline tubing is not kinked or restricted
– Check the Air inlet Sponge filter for clogging,
and clean if needed.
– replace Aeration Disc
– Do not exceed maximum depth rating of 8' for the
placement of Aeration Disc.
tIP - Should a kinked tube or dirty Aeration Disc significantly
block air flow, shut down the pump immediately to
prevent overheating.
• Pump Not Working
– the ground-fault circuit-interrupter (gfCi) may have tripped
– the pump is not receiving the correct voltage
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