KitchenAid 30” Built-in Microwave Hood Manuale di istruzioni per l'installazione - Pagina 7

Sfoglia online o scarica il pdf Manuale di istruzioni per l'installazione per Forno a microonde KitchenAid 30” Built-in Microwave Hood. KitchenAid 30” Built-in Microwave Hood 8.

If bollcm of upper cabinet Is recessed 3/4" or
more, align 2" x 2" filler Mocks (not included) with
Ihe shaded squares marked 'N" and 'P" on ihe
lemolate. Mark the cuiout msition
onlhe filler blo&lhrough
Ihe uppercabir&l
holes 'L" and 'M". Drill 348" diameter hole al lhe
marks on filler blodts. Anach filler bkcks to upper
cabinet wilh the two 1/4*x 2' t&s and washers.
1 -socild::~
lnslall power-supply cord bushing around
hole drllled In a metal cablnel. Failure to do
II .
lemplale. If
Cut oul or drill a 2" diameler hole
al Ihe area marked 'power-supply-
cord hole" on the upper-catinel
upper cabinel is melal, install power-
supplycord bushing around Ihe edge of hole lo
prevenl damage lo lhe cord from the rough metal
Delermine which venling method
(roof-venting, wall-venting. or
venlless) you need lo use. This microwave
oven is manufactured lor roof- or wall-venling
mslallalion. Some models can nol be mslalled
using lhe venlless (redrculaling) melhod
To venI lhrough Ihe rool, WI oul
the rectangular area marked 'R"
on the upper catinel lemplale.
To vent through Ihe wall, cut out the rectangular
area marked 's" on Ihe wall lemplale.Remove lhe
upper-cabinet and wall templates.
Remove the upper-cabinet and wall lemplates.
IllStall ductwork lhrough Ihe venl
opening in the upper-cabinet or
wall. Cor@ele Ihe venling system
through Ihe wall or rwf according lo Ihe method
needed. See Venting requiremenls and Venlirg
preparation. Use caulking lo seal edenor-wall or
rool opening around erhausl cap.
lcggls boll
Inserl lag screws through the holes
on the mounting plate ('l-l") where
Ihe rnounlinq oiale will be aHached lo a wall stud:
inserl loggle-t&s
al 'D'. 'E", 'F. and 'G". where.
il will be anached lo dry wall.
AHach a spring toggled head lo Ihe end of each
loggle boll. Leave al leas1 one wall-lhickness of
space between Ihe mounting plate and the end
01 the spring toggle head so lhal Ihe spring toggle
head can properly open on Ihe olher side 01 the
If wall-vented inslallalion Is used,
ahach damper lo rear 01 mxmling
pble. Align 3.114 x lo' &cl wrlh damper and
see lhal damper moves Ireely.
Poslliin the mounting plate on the wall makina
sure lhal the lop 01 the mwrrling plate is 316;
below Ihe bollom of the c&r-&
Irame. InserI the
loggle bolls and spring toggle heads through the
dry-wall holes and start the lag screws through
the wall-stud holes.Tghlen tolls and screws lo
sewre mounlirg plale lo wall.
Inserl a ha&blade screwdriver
lhrough Iurn-rod clearance holes
in mounting @ale and inlo relainen. Move
screwdriver around lo make sure the retainers
move freely. II retainers do nol move Ire&y,
loosen toggle balls arrd lag screws, and readjusl
the nmnlirg
Personal Injury Hazard
TWO people are required lo llfl lhls
Failure to use more than one
person during lnaiallallon may result In
personal Injury.
Careluliy III the microwave oven
Careluliy III the microwave oven
' '
tollom of Ihe mounting plale.
tollom of Ihe mounting plale.
Reaching lhrough upper cabinet, thread power
Reaching lhrough upper cabinet, thread power
cord lhrwgh the power-cord hole in Ihe bonom 01
cord lhrwgh the power-cord hole in Ihe bonom 01
Ihe upper cabinel
Ihe upper cabinel
Swing Ihe microwave oven upward
so lhal lhe lop 01 Ihe oven meels
lhs 100 of lhe rmunling plate. Hc4d oven securely.
Using a W-blade screwdriver, push
in and turn the turn-rod screws
' clockwise until they are tighl in rear,
mounling-plate nuts. Check that Ihe microwave is
securely faslened to the mounting plale.
Personal Injury or Property
Damage Hazard
Secure the mkrowave
oven wllh the two
mounllng bolts Inserted lhrwgh
the upper cablnel holes.
Fallure lo do ao could result In personal
Injury and/or propeny damage.
i7ghlen the bolIs inserled in lhe
upper cabinet holes until Ihe gap
between the upper cabinet and microwave oven
is closed.
Mwnl the power-supply cord
retainem as shown to lhe inside 01
the cabinet. Use power-supply-cord lie wraps lo
bundle Ihe Dower-suodv cord and seane ll lo
Ihe power&ppiy&i
Reanach grille lo the front 01 Ihe
n%crowave oven with Ihe lhree
grille screws.
Plug in Ihe power supply cord.
Read your Use 8 Care Guide then
check the cperalron 01 your
microwave oven.
To get the most efficient
use from
your new Microwave
Hood, read your
Use and Care Guide.
and Guide
close to oven for easy reference.