Indesit SISL 126 S Manuale di istruzioni per l'uso

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This machine was designed and constructed in
Your washing machine could occasionally fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre
+ %
accordance with international safety regulations. The
), make sure that the problem is not easily solved using the following list.
following information is provided for safety reasons
and must therefore be read carefully.
+ ! ; A
D u rable w h ite co tton
• This appliance was designed for domestic use only.
Colou red cotto n
an d s yn th etics
• The machine must only be used by adults, in
W ool (fin al delicate spin
+ %
accordance with the instructions given in this manual.
B % 4% 2
Silk an d cu rtain s (w ith ou t
final spin cycle)
• Do not touch the machine when barefoot or with
wet or damp hands or feet.
0 =
Cotton an d syn th etics
• Do not pull on the power supply cable when
unplugging the appliance from the electricity
socket. Hold the plug and pull.
+ ! % %A
for information relating to excluding the spin cycle in the delicates programme, please refer to the
“Delicates 30°” paragraph further down the page.
• Do not touch the drained water as it may reach
for information relating to rinsing hand-washed clothes in cold water, please refer to the
extremely high temperatures.
“Daily wash 30’ / Cold water rinse” paragraph further down the page.
• Never force the porthole door. this could damage
the safety lock mechanism designed to prevent
accidental opening.
Designed for the washing of all durable white cotton
We advise against the use of hose extensions; if it
button: press this to switch the machine on or off.
garments. Higher washing temperatures offer improved
is absolutely necessary, the extension must have the
bnpoaCnpayivn opa dadg CvnpcaeoSaCnpaDsCCeod
• If the appliance breaks down, do not under any
washing results in sbhUUpy appliances.
same diameter as the original hose and must not
sdpca Cea dCikCa .ik esda tkeukiyypda Dpu oa Cea wlidnS
circumstances access the internal mechanisms in
exceed 150 cm in length.
gn lpaCnpagidn ouaC ypa oc viCekal unCda llsy oiCpa o
an attempt to repair it yourself.
This programme can be used to wash all your coloured
ia w mpca yioopkh
+ %
garments, whether cotton or synthetic fabric. The spin
UeaviovplaCnpavWvlp , press and hold the on/off button
• Always keep children well away from the appliance
% A
cycle is carefully controlled during the entire wash cycle,
for approximately 2 seconds while the wash cycle is
while it is operating.
so as to reduce the formation of creases in the fabric
Before plugging the appliance into the electricity
+ (, %
in progress.
and make it easier to iron.
socket, make sure that:
• The door can become quite hot during the wash cycle.
indicator light g llawlidnawekaiawpgadpveocd
Cotton and synthetic garments can be washed at the
and the machine will automatically drain the water in
• the socket is earthed and complies with all
same time.
• If the appliance has to be moved, work in a group
the tub.
applicable laws;
of two or three people and handle it with the
A cycle designed for the washing of all woollen, silk and
utmost care. Never try to do this alone, because
redaindicator light:
• the socket is able to withstand the maximum
+ 4A
delicate garments. ,daCnpdpauikypoCdani.pac wwpkpoC
the appliance is very heavy.
when the indicator light is illuminated the door is
power load of the appliance as indicated in the
wpiCskpdSa Cn da tkeukiyypa kpPs kpda ioa ivC .iC eo
locked to prevent it being opened accidentally; to
Technical data tablep lUnnp rttrUcon d
• Before loading laundry into the washing machine,
tkevpddagn vna dac wwpkpoCawkeyaCnpaeCnpkd6
avoid damaging the appliance,agi CawekaCnpal unCaCe
make sure the drum is empty.
dg CvnaewwaDpwekpaetpo ouaCnpaceekaiwCpkaCnpavWvlp
• the power supply voltage falls within the values
woollen garments): press the START DELICATES
nidapocpcaekagnpoaCnpavWvlpa datisdpchaUnpal unC
indicated in the Technical data table(Unnp rttrUcon );
button. ,wCpka ittkem yiCplWa B
g llakpyi oal Cawekaittkem yiCplWaCgeay osCpdaiwCpk
Cnpa gidn oua tkeukiyypa nida w o dnpch
• the socket is compatible with the plug of the
• Disposing of the packaging materials: observe local
+ 55 259 %
appliance. If this is not the case, replace the
regulations so that the packaging may be re-used.
Dpu oaCeawlidn . Press the START DELICATES
U Rapid flashing of the DOOR LOCKED indicator light
socket or the plug.
indicates a fault lUnnp w-griLbnUmrrocvkf e
button to perform the wash, which
• The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
ends with a delicate spin cycle. This programme
The machine must not be installed outdoors, even
Electrical and Electronic Equipment, requires that
+ A
includes drum movements which have been carefully
in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave
old household electrical appliances must not be
researched to remove excess water from the fabric,
press one of these to start the selected washing
the appliance exposed to rain, storms and other
disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal
thereby reducing friction and helping to protect your
weather conditions.
waste stream. Old appliances must be collected
woollen garments.
- button lit in a fixed manner: programme in progress.
separately in order to optimise the recovery and
- buttons flashing: awaiting selection.
The mains socket must remain within easy reach
recycling of the materials they contain and reduce
(for silk and viscose garments and for
after the washing machine has been installed.
the impact on human health and the
curtains; not to be used for washing wool):
environment. The crossed out "wheeled bin"
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Connect the drain hose,
without bending it, to a
draining duct or a wall
drain situated between
• The appliance is not plugged into the socket fully, or is not making
65 and 100 cm from the
• There is no power in the house.
• The washing machine door is not closed properly.
• The ON/OFF button has not been pressed.
• The START PROGRAMME buttons have not been pressed (they
are still flashing).
• The water tap has not been opened.
alternatively, place it
over the edge of a
• The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap.
basin, sink or tub,
• The hose is bent.
• The water tap has not been opened.
fastening the duct
• There is no water supply in the house.
supplied to the tap (Unn
• The pressure is too low.
ackign ). The free end of
• The START PROGRAMME buttons have not been pressed (they
the hose should not be
are still flashing).
• The drain hose is not fitted at a height between 65 and 100 cm
from the floor (p Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf e
• The free end of the hose is under water (Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf e
• The wall drainage system is not fitted with a breather pipe.
If the problem persists even after these checks, shut off the water
tap, switch the appliance off and contact the Technical Assistance
Service. If the dwelling is on one of the upper floors of a building,
there may be problems relating to water drainage, causing the
washing machine to fill with water and drain continuously. Special
anti-draining valves are available in shops and help to avoid this
• The drain hose is bent (Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf
• The drainage duct is clogged.
• The protective screws (used during transportation) were not
removed when the appliance was installed. Remove the screws
(Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf e
• The machine is not level (Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf
• The machine is trapped between cabinets and walls (Unn
wMvUohbbhocrvf e
• The water inlet hose is not screwed on properly (Unnp wMvUohbbhocrvf e
• The detergent dispenser is blocked (to clean it, Unnp wshgnp hvu
.hcvonvhvSnf ).
• The drain hose is not fixed in place properly (UnnpwMvUohbbhocrvf
• The drip-tray system is full. Clean the sponge or replace it lUnn
34gnShiocrvUp hvup hu/cSn3 e
• Switch off the machine and unplug it, wait for approximately 1
minute and then switch it back on again. The wash cycle will have
to be started again from the beginning. If the problem persists,
contact the Technical Assistance Service.
• The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should bear
the description “for washing machines” or “hand and machine
wash”, or similar instructions).
• Too much detergent was used.
Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
The cable should not be bent or compressed.
it must be separately collected.
Unpacking and levelling
Consumers should contact their local authority or
Connecting the electricity and water supplies
The power supply cable must only be replaced by
retailer for information concerning the correct
6 0°C
12 0 0
15 0
authorised technicians.
Technical details
disposal of their old appliance.
40 °C
10 0 0
10 4
Warning! The company shall not be held responsible
in the event that these regulations are not respected.
Self-cleaning detergent dispenser drawer
Control panel
3 0°C
6 00
5 5
Load balancing system
• To avoid wasting resources, the washing machine
3 0°C
n o *
5 0
should be used with a full load. One full load instead of
two half loads saves up to 50% of the energy used.
3 0°/co ld
8 00
3 0
w ater**
• Treating stains with a stain remover, or leaving
them to soak before they are washed, reduces the
need to wash the garments at high temperatures.
Preparing the laundry
• Use the correct quantity of detergent, in
Washing recommendations
accordance with the water hardness, how soiled
the garments are and the amount of laundry you
+ %
have, in order to avoid wastage and to protect the
General safety
button. ,wCpka ittkem yiCplWa Ba dpveocd , the START
environment: although they are biodegradable,
detergents still contain ingredients which alter the
Saving energy and respecting the environment
balance of nature. Avoid using fabric softener
Drip-tray system
wherever possible.
in sequence to indicate the progress of the washing
perform the wash without the final spin cycle. At the
: If you use your washing machine between late
programme.U npU pacU ckiU g U pacU dlgelvCCcU voo
end of the cycle, the machine will automatically drain
Cutting off the water or electricity supply
afternoon and the early hours of the morning, you will
pacU tkithvpglU oteaprU ycetkU pgU ovraw
the water contained in the drum. We recommend that
Cleaning the machine
help to reduce the peak load of the electricity board.
For further details, please refer to the chapter entitled
the garments are removed from the washing machine
Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer
wPivvcvkp hp WhUmp SGSbnfe
straight away, in order to limit the formation of creases.
Caring for the door and drum of your appliance
Cleaning the pump
The machine is fitted with a drip-tray system on the
Checking the water inlet hose
inside of the door, which catches any residual drips of
To avoid excessive vibrations before every spin, the
This programme can be used to wash lightly soiled
water at the end of the cycle.
machine distributes the load in a uniform manner by
cotton or synthetic fabrics, or garments with the "wash
We recommend that the dampness level of the
rotating the drum continuously at a speed which is
at 30°"
instruction on the label, in just 30 minutes. It
sponge inside the drip-tray compartment is checked
slightly greater than the washing rotation speed.
is also possibile to rinse cotton or synthetic garments
regularly. If necessary, it may be cleaned or replaced
When, despite repeated attempts, the load is not
which have been washed by hand (this does not include
as follows:
perfectly distributed, the machine spins at a lower
wool or silk).
speed than stated for the wash cycle.
UnioIdaCea Cdadtpv iladpodekdSaCnpagidn ouayivn op
If the load is excessively unbalanced, the machine
daiDlpaCeakpveuo dpagnpoaCnpauikypoCdatlivpca oaCnp
performs the distribution process instead of spinning.
Balancing attempts may increase the total duration of
- if no detergent is detected on the clothes, the DAILY
the cycle, up to a maximum of 10 minutes.
WASH 30' cycle will be performed;
- if detergent is detected (cloths which have been
washed by hand), the COLD WATER RINSE cycle will
be performed automatically.
,5UMY,UTra KT31Ra Y,3,;RYR3U
The rinse function is monitored and controlled in every
3. Place the sponge back inside the compartment.
programme by special sensors. TwaCnpauikypoCdaikp
4. Replace the compartment in the door, yiI ou
.pkWadeitWaiCaCnpapocaewaCnpagidnSaCnpak odpavWvlp
dskpa Cnpa dtk ouda eoa Cnpa ceeka ikpa vekkpvClW
g llaDpapmCpocpcaisCeyiC villWasoC laCnpacpCpkupoCa d
odpkCpca oCea Cnpa vekkpdteoc oua dleCda eoa Cnp
kpye.pca veytlpCplWh In this case the wash
programme duration may be slightly increased in relation
5. Make sure that the compartment is slotted back
to the information given in the table of programmes.
into position correctly.
W as h cycle, rin s e cycles , in termediate
an d fin al s pin cycles
W as h cycle, rin s e cycles an d delicate
s pin cycle
W as h cycle, rin s e cycles an d delicate
s pin cycle
W as h cycle, rin s e cycles an d drain age
W as h cycle (on ly if th e " R apid w ash "
pro gramm e activated), rin se cycles ,
delicate spin cycle
DsCCeodaDpu oaCeawlidn
lights: these light up
button to
SISL 126
59.5 cm wide
85 cm high
40 cm deep
from 1 to 4,5 kg
please refer to the technical data plate
fixed to the machine
maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)
1. Remove the
minimum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)
compartment by applying
drum capacity 40 litres
a light pressure to the
lower part.
up to 1200 rpm
2. Remove the sponge
inside it, rinse it under
running water and wring it
out thoroughly. It may
run with a load of 4,5 kg.
also be replaced with one
of the spare sponges
This appliance is compliant with the
following European Community
- 73/23/CEE of 19/02/73 (Low
Voltage) and subsequent amendments
- 89/336/CEE of 03/05/89
(Electromagnetic Compatibility) and
subsequent amendments
- 2002/96/CE
. Press