- ページ 4

コントロールパネル Ambirad AMBITEC PLUSのPDF マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Ambirad AMBITEC PLUS 11 ページ。 Energy saving electronic control panel

3 General setting instructions
The AmbiTec Plus control panel is
programmed with default settings as shown
in the text. All default settings may be
changed within the adjustment ranges of
the windows.
The control panel is shipped with all
password levels set to '0000' and all
adjustments can be made. If three
password levels have been set, pressing the
Select button will prompt the password
request. Without entering a password you
will be able to the windows but no changes
can be made.
Pressing the Select button moves the
display through screens. Pressing the Enter
button will save the program. It is not
necessary to press the Enter button after
each change is made, you make all
necessary changes in any or all windows
and then press the Enter button to save all
changes. When the Enter button is pressed
the window it will revert to the standard
display. If further changes are required it
will be necessary to press the Select button
as many times as necessary to access any
further windows that require changing.
are used to move through settings
within a window and the
select a value for that setting.
If at any time from pressing the Select
button that a period of 45 seconds elapses
between any button presses, the unit will
save all changes made up to the last screen
and the panel will revert to it's standard
display. It will then be necessary to press
the Select button to get to any other
screens that required adjustments in their
Clock on times should be set to the normal
occupancy times regardless if preheat is set
or not.
4 Display windows (Brief guide)
There are twenty-six different windows available, system parameters may be set in twenty
four of them. The two that are fixed are the normal display and the software batch
identification window.
1. Normal display.
2. Normal display adjust
3. Advance ON/OFF adjust
4. Adjust timers
5. Adjust language
6. Adjust year
7. Adjust frost temperature
8. Adjust heat < > vent differential
9. Adjust GM44 differential temperature
10. Adjust AmbiTec Plus type
11. Adjust reset type
12. Adjust V3 vent
13. Adjust high fire time
14. Adjust pre-heat mode
15. Adjust pre-heat time
16. Adjust night temperature band
17. Adjust night temperature band
18. Adjust forward clock 1 hour at 01:00 ON
are used to
19. Adjust retard clock 1 hour at 01:00 ON
20. Adjust holiday 1 period
21. Adjust holiday 2 period
22. Adjust holiday 3 period
23. Adjust holiday 4 period
24 Adjust 'Hand
25. Software type; A non-editable display of software issue number'
26. Adjust Key 3 password setting level 3
27. Adjust Key 2 password setting level 2
28. Adjust Key 1 password setting level 1
(No default)
(No default)
(No default)
(Default = English)
(Default = 1998)
(Default = 4˚C)
(Default = 6˚C)
(Default = 2˚C)
(Default = 00)
(Default = 01)
(Manual or Auto)
(Default = 30)
(Default = 02)
(Default = 1:00 hour)
(Default = 16˚C)
(Default = 03˚C)
(No default)
(No default)
(No default)
(NB Frost protection only)
(No default)
(No default)
(No default)
(default 30 min. adjust up to 2 hours)
(Default 0000)
(Default 0000)
(Default 0000)