- ページ 6

血圧モニター Aktiia BraceletのPDF ユーザーマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Aktiia Bracelet 14 ページ。

Aktiia Bracelet ユーザーマニュアル
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is the property of Aktiia
switch it on). Wait until pairing is confirmed by AKTIIA App.
Fit your Aktiia Bracelet on your wrist.
For optimal measurement by AKTIIA bracelet, please read carefully the instructions in the sec-
tion "Correct AKTIIA Bracelet positioning" of this user manual.
Fit your Aktiia Cuff on the opposite arm.
The accuracy of blood pressure measurement done by AKTIIA cuff depends on the right cuff
positioning. Please read carefully the instructions in the section "Correct AKTIIA Cuff position-
ing" of this user manual.
Initialize your AKTIIA Bracelet.
On the Aktiia App, follow carefully the instructions on the screen to start the initialization procedure. The
cuff will start inflating.
The accuracy of the initialization process depends on your body posture during the initializa-
tion. Read carefully the section "Body Posture during Initialization Procedure" of this user man-
Switch OFF your Aktiia Cuff.
Congratulations! Your AKTIIA bracelet is now initialized and ready to track your blood pressure!

6. Correct AKTIIA bracelet positioning

Wear your Aktiia Bracelet on the elbow side of your wrist bone. The sensing side of the pod should be placed in
direct contact with the skin, on the top part of the wrist. The Bracelet should be snug but comfortable.

7. Correct AKTIIA Cuff positioning

Aktiia Cuff must be placed on the opposite arm with respect to the one wearing the Bracelet (i.e if you wear Aktiia
Bracelet on your RIGHT wrist, place the cuff over your LEFT arm and vice versa).
Please check the instructions for use provided with the companion device Aktiia Cuff (provided sep-
Remove all accessories (watch, etc) from your arm.
Roll or push up your sleeve to expose the skin.
Apply the cuff to your arm with your palm facing up (opposite arm as the one on which you weaar AKTIIA
Position the edge of the cuff about 2cm~3cm from elbow.
Fasten the cuff around your arm, leaving no extra room between the cuff and your skin. If the cuff is too loose,
the measurement will not be accurate.
Printed copies are uncontrolled - Check you are using the latest version
P01_0020 - USER MANUAL
Figure 1 : Correct positioning of AKTIIA Bracelet on the wrist
Version: 2
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