- ページ 7

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Aktiia Bracelet ユーザーマニュアル
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is the property of Aktiia

8. Body Posture during the Initialization Procedure

Please sit down and relax for 3 minutes before starting the initialization procedure.
Be seated with your feet flat on the floor without crossing your legs.
Place your hand palm-side up in front of you on a flat surface such as a desk or a table.
The middle of the cuff should be placed as the same level as your heart.
Do not move or tense your arm muscles during measurement.
Relax and do not talk.

9. Accessing your data

Your AKTIIA Bracelet automatically tracks your blood pressure. Measurements are triggered every hour, day and
night. To ensure optimal data security, your data are not stored on AKTIIA bracelet but on a secured cloud server.
Visualizing your data in AKTIIA App therefore requires a synchronization process with our server.
Syncing your data
Make sure Bluetooth and Internet connection on your mobile device are enabled. If you have an Android device,
your location service should be enabled as well. Otherwise warning messages will be shown on top of the home
screen when you open it (see Figure 1).
Open the Aktiia App to synchronize data from your Aktiia Bracelet. The synchronization is done automatically and
a sync view at the top of the screen shows you the sync status (see Figure 2). This might take few seconds to
several minutes depending on how often you open the app and synchronize your data.
In case you do not see a sync view when opening the app, swipe down to manually activate the synchronization.
Make sure you open the app regularly (i.e. once a day) so that the synchronization is fast, and you avoid losing
Visualizing your Blood Pressure data
Press the Home
button on the Aktiia App to see your blood pressure data in a chart format. Every vertical line
represents the average of the measurements taken during the displayed period (the top of the line is the systolic
SYS value and the bottom of the line is the diastolic DIA value). Tap on the line to read the numeric values. The
average Blood Pressure values for the day are indicated at the top of the screen. Tap left and right arrows to
navigate through your historical data.
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