- ページ 10

ロボット工学 DAGU Scamper KitのPDF インストレーション・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。DAGU Scamper Kit 12 ページ。

Use sensor cable to connect
the sensor PCB to A7 on the
ComMotion controller.
The ComMotion shield comes pre-programmed with demonstration software for the Scamper
robot. Once the robot is fully assembled check that the encoder disc are a few millimeters
away from the sensor and do not touch anything as they spin.
Check all the wiring carefully before turning it on. Pay careful attention to the colour of the
wires and especially the battery wires. If the power LEDs on the PCB do not light up then
quickly turn the robot off and check all power wiring again.
When you turn the robot on it should start playing music using the motors for speakers. The
robot will then spin as it looks for a line to follow. If the robot had been placed over a line it
should start following the line. Pressing the reset button or cycling the power will toggle the
demonstation mode on or off. If the robot just beeps a few times then press reset again.
If the robot cannot detect the line then try adjusting the small potentiometer on the sensor PCB
fully clockwise. Do not use in bright sunlight, this will blind the IR sensor. Black electrical tape
is ideal for making lines for the robot to follow.
Connector A7
on ComMotion
Testing with the demonstration software
Pay attention to the wire colours!
You must connect the wires
as shown to ensure the robot
works correctly with the
demonstration software.