- ページ 8

医療機器 3M Littmann 4000のPDF マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。3M Littmann 4000 11 ページ。 Electronic stethoscope
3M Littmann 4000 にも: マニュアル (11 ページ)

3M Littmann 4000 マニュアル
WINDOWS 2000 – Downloaded
soundtracks are stored in:
C:\Documents and
Settings\username\Desktop and
appear on the desktop.
7. The soundtrack filename format is:
'Trk*.e4k' (* is the soundtrack
number on the stethoscope)
Example: soundtrack 2 = 'Trk2.e4k'
If the default soundtrack filename
already exists, a new name, 'Copy of
Trk*.e4k' or 'Copy # of Trk*.e4k' is
given, example: soundtrack 2 = 'Copy
of Trk2.e4k' (# is the number of
duplicates from the same soundtrack)
It is advisable to rename the
soundtrack files once they are
transmitted to avoid confusion. It is
not necessary to maintain the file
extension *.e4k.
stethoscope, refer to the Error
Messages section of this manual to
determine a possible cause.
Receiving a copy of
WINDOWS 95/98 - From the Start
a soundtrack from
menu select 'Start – Programs –
a computer using
Windows Explorer'. Open the folder
"My Received Files" and locate the
soundtrack file to be transmitted.
WINDOWS 2000 – From the desktop
(or within the folder that contains the
with an infrared
soundtrack file to be transmitted) locate
(IR) port
the soundtrack file to be transmitted.
1. Select the Model 4000 soundtrack
to receive the transmitted file
Caution: If the selected soundtrack
contains a recording, the transmitted
appears in the display of the

Error Messages

shows while transmitting data to another Model 4000
or a computer:
• The path of infrared light may be blocked. Position the
infrared ports at each other and retry the operation.
• The infrared port may be dirty. Clean both infrared ports.
• The Model 4000 was removed before the soundtrack was
2. Prompts may vary between versions of Windows and are the responsibility of the Microsoft.
References to Windows as it pertains to use of the Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 4000 are
for clarification only. Please consult your Microsoft users manual for specific instructions.
Microsoft® and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
file will replace it. Erased soundtracks
cannot be recovered.
2. Position the two IR ports within
two feet.
3. Press the Model 4000 RECEIVE
button. The arrow will blink until the
infrared connection is made.
4. Immediately right click on the
soundtrack file to be transmitted and
select 'Send To – Infrared Recipient'
5. Transmission is indicated on
the Model 4000 display by a rotating
. The computer status bar will
display two red lights flashing
towards one another.
6. Progress of the transmission is
shown on the Model 4000 display with
Note: The soundtrack filename is not
transmitted to the stethoscope. If
appears in the display of the
stethoscope, refer to the Error
Messages section of this manual to
determine a possible cause.