- ページ 10

録音機器 Audiomatica CLIO FW-02のPDF インストレーション・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Audiomatica CLIO FW-02 15 ページ。

Audiomatica CLIO FW-02 インストレーション・マニュアル
If everything is OK you should obtain a reading of circa 1V, variable between a
minimum of 0.95V and a maximum of 1.05V, which is the mean output level of a
sinusoidal signal when the system is not calibrated.
Now press the FFT
button (or CTRL-F), then press the Oscilloscope button and
finally the
The result you should obtain is an FFT analysis of the 1kHz sinusoid (one spectral
line @ 1kHz at 0dBV) and its time representation given by its oscillogram.
Both Multimeter and FFT results must present stable and repeatable; the
oscillogram should display a sinusoid without spikes or drops of any kind.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only if these two initial tests gave correct results, as
described, go to the following paragraph and execute the system calibration; if you
are not able to obtain these results and they seem in any way corrupted do not
execute calibration and contact technical support.