2. Step on the scale. Remain stationary on the weighing platform and do not hold you
After the scale levelled-off your w"ght wili be indicated successively three times and
then for 10 seconds steady. Afterwards the scale switch-off automatically.
6. Body Analysis
An analysis is only possible in bare feet. Your personal data must be entered first (please
page 4).
1. Switch-on the scale by touching the SET-button. Please select your personal memory
location (where your personal data area stored) by using the ... - or ... -button. Your
personal data (location, gender, age, and body height) wili be successively displayed.
Confirm these each at a time by touching the SET-button. Afterwards "0.0 kg" will be
2. Now, carefully step in bare feet on the four stainless steel electrodes (measuring units)
of the scale and remain stationary.
3. At first, your w"ght will
indicated on the display. Then, while the analysis is taking
place, the indication flashes. After completion of the measurement, your measured
values will be shown twice in a row as foliows:
Your weight in kg - your body fat in %. yOur body water in %, yOur muscle mass in %
and yOur bone mass in kg.
After a few seconds the scale switch-off automatically.
fat content is shown as the amount of stored fat as a percentage of total body
weight. There is no generally accepted set value as this varies significantly according to
gender (due to the different build) and age. Body fat is vital for basic body functions. It's
protecting organs, cushioning joints, regulating body temperature, storing vitamins and
serves the
as energy storage.
essential for women a minimum body fat
proportion between 10% and 13% and for men between 10% and 13% is requested -
with the exception of competitive athletes.
Body fat is not a clear indicator for health. Too high body weight and a too high
proportion are linked to the incidence of many civilization diseases such as dialbetes,
cardiovascular diseases, etc. Lack of movement and improper nutrrtion are often the
prime course for these diseases. There is an obvious direct relationship between
overweight and lack of movement.