- ページ 16

チラー Gree HLR10Pd/Na-KのPDF ユニット設置マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gree HLR10Pd/Na-K 18 ページ。 Mini chiller

Gree HLR10Pd/Na-K ユニット設置マニュアル
Unit Installation

5 Commissioning and Trial Run

5.1 Check before startup

For safety of users and unit, the unit must be started up for check before debugging. The procedures are as
The following items shall be performed by qualified repair persons.
Confirm together with the sales engineer, dealer, installing contractor and customers for the following items finished or to be finished.
If the contents of Application for Installation of this Unit by Installer are real. If not, debugging will be refused.
Is there written notice in which amendment items are shown in respect of unqualified installation?
Are Application for Installation and Debugging list filed together?
Is appearance of the unit and internal pipeline system ok during conveying, carrying or installation?
Check the accessories attached with the unit for quantity, package and so on.
Make sure there is drawings in terms of electricity, control, design of pipeline and so on.
Check if installation of the unit is stable enough and there is enough space for operation and repair.
Completely test refrigerant pressure of each unit and perform leakage detection of the unit.
Is the water tank installed stably and are supports secure when the water tank is full?
Are heat insulating measures for the water tank, outlet/inlet pipes and water replenishing pipe proper?
Are the nilometer of water tank, water temperature indicator, controller, manometer, pressure relief valve and
automatic discharge valve etc. installed and operated properly?
Does power supply accord with the nameplate? Do power cords conform to applicable requirements?
Is power supply and control wiring connected properly according to wiring diagram? Is earthing safe? Is each
terminal stable?
Are connection pipe, water pump, manometer, thermometer, valve etc. are installed properly?
Is each valve in the system open or closed according to requirements?
Confirm that the customers and inspection personnel of Part A are at site.
Is Installation Check-up Table completed and signed by the installation contractor?
Attention: If there is any item marked with ×, please notify the contractor. Items listed above are just for reference.
General Evaluation: Debugging □
Judge the following items (if there is not any filling, qualification will be regarded.)
a: Power supply and electric control system
c: Heating problems of Unit
e: Pipeline problem
Normal debugging work can't be performed unless all installation items are qualified. If there is any problem, it must be
solved firstly. The installer will be responsible for all costs for delay of debugging and re-debugging incurred by any problem
which is not solved immediately.
Submit schedule of amending reports to installer.
Is the written amending report which should be signed after communication provided to installer?
Yes ( )
No ( )
Confirmation of Installation
Amendment □
b: Loading calculation
d: Noise problem
f: Others