- ページ 3

ドリル Makita 6073DのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Makita 6073D 16 ページ。 Equipped with electric brake 10 mm (3/8”) with fast charger

14. REMOVE ADJUSTING KEYS AND WRENCHES. Form habit of checking to
see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from tool before turning
it on.
15. AVOID UNINTENTIONAL STARTING. Don't carry plugged-in tool with finger
on switch. Be sure switch
OFF when plugging in.
16. OUTDOOR USE EXTENSION CORDS. When tool is used outdoors, u s e only
extension cords intended for u s e outdoors and
17. STAY ALERT. Watch what you
doing, u s e common sense. Don't operate
tool when you are tired.
18. CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. Before further u s e of the tool, a guard
part that is damaged should be carefully checked t o determine that it will
operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment of
moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting, and any
other conditions that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that
is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by an authorized serv-
ice center unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this instruction manual.
Have defective switches replaced by authorized service center. Don't use
tool if switch d o e s not turn it on and off.
GUARD AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCK. Prevent body contact with grounded
surfaces. For example; pipes, radiators, ranges, refrigerator enclosures.
20. REPLACEMENT PARTS. When servicing, u s e only identical replacement parts.
VOLTAGE WARNING: Before connecting the tool t o a power source (receptacle,
be sure the voltage supplied is the same a s that specified on the
nameplate of the tool. A power source with voltage greater than that specified
for the tool can result in SERIOUS INJURY t o the user - as well a s damage t o
the tool. If in doubt, DO NOT PLUG IN THE TOOL. Using a power source with
than the nameplate rating is harmful t o the motor.