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モニター A-Neuvideo ANI-2PIP-LOGOのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。A-Neuvideo ANI-2PIP-LOGO 15 ページ。 2x1 hdmi multiviewer
A-Neuvideo ANI-2PIP-LOGO にも: 取扱説明書 (20 ページ)

A-Neuvideo ANI-2PIP-LOGO 取扱説明書
WebGUI Control
■ Priority: Selects which input channel is on top in the multi- windowing modes.
■ From Input: Selects the input to display when the unit is in the "NONE" (Full screen
seamless switcher) Windowing Mode.
• PRESET/FACTORY: Provides controls for saving and loading Presets and for resetting the unit.
■ Preset Save/Recall: This unit can store and recall up to four presets. Each preset stores
the settings from the Mode, Contrast, Brightness, Sharpness, Hue, image Still, Flip, and
Upside-Down sections of the WebGUI for rapid, hassle-free, recall.
NOTE: The output will briefly go black during the preset recall process.
■ Factory Reset: Click on the Factory Reset button to reset the unit to its factory default
state. After the reset is complete, the unit will reboot automatically.
NOTE: Network configuration details will not be reset.
This tab provides controls over the general display characteristics of each
input channel as well as providing a way to set.
• CONTRAST: Sets the contrast level for each input channel with a range of 0 to 100. Clicking on
the slider will allow fine adjustments using the arrow keys. The default value is 80.
• BRIGHTNESS: Sets the brightness level for each input channel with a range of 0 to 100. Clicking
on the slider will allow fine adjustments using the arrow keys. The default value is 50.
• SHARPNESS: Sets the amount of sharpness processing to apply to each input channel with
a range of 0 to 20. Clicking on the slider will allow fine adjustments using the arrow keys. The
default value is 10.
• HUE: Sets the hue value for each input channel with a range of 0 to 100. Clicking on the slider
will allow fine adjustments using the arrow keys. The default value is 50.
• OUTPUT RESOLUTION: Sets the unit's output resolution. The default selection is 1080p60.
• IMAGE STILL: Freezes and unfreezes the video from the selected input channel. This function
is off by default.
• FLIP: Enabling the Flip function will cause the video in the selected input channel to be mirrored
horizontally. This function is off by default.
• UP-SIDE DOWN: Enabling the Upside-Down function will cause the video in the selected input
channel to be mirrored vertically. This function is off by default.
WebGUI Control
This tab provides access to controls for the individual windows in the
multi-windowing modes (PIP, SBS, POP) of the unit including size and position. Both windows may
be freely scaled and positioned in all 3 modes. Clicking on the bottom right corner of a window and
dragging it will resize the window while clicking and dragging the center of a window will reposition it.
Changes made to windows will occur immediately.
NOTE: This tab will be completely disabled if Window Mode is set to "NONE".
• SELECT: This section provides a way to directly type exact position and size numbers for each
channel window for precise alignment. After making all changes to a channel, please click the
"Save" button to have the unit use the new values.
■ Channel: Selects which channel to adjust.
■ Width: Sets the horizontal size of the selected channel window in pixels.
■ Height: Sets the vertical size of the selected channel window in pixels.
■ H Position: Sets the horizontal position of the selected channel window in pixels.
■ V Position: Sets the vertical position of the selected channel window in pixels.
NOTE: Changing channels before clicking "Save" will undo any modified values.
This tab provides control over the informational OSD (On Screen Display)
formatting as well as user uploaded logo usage and placement.
NOTE: The OSD and Logo cannot be displayed simultaneously. Enabling the Logo function will
automatically disable the OSD.