Filter Set Up
1. Place the powerhead inside the aquarium and then
feed the Powerheads plug out of the aquarium through the
square cut out, Fig 1 (a). Tip, feed the plug through at an
angle with the plugs pins facing towards you.
2. You can now clip the powerhead into place in the square
cut out, Fig 1 (a).
3. Attach the powerhead adaptor pipe, through the small
circle cut out Fig 1 (c), to the top of the powerhead.
4. Attach the spray bar to the elbow. Ensure the spray bar
holes are at the bottom facing down.
5. Insert the spray bar into the circular part cut out, Fig 1
(b) in the media section of the fi lter tray compartment. Then
attach the elbow to the powerhead adaptor pipe.
6. Attach the strainer to the strainer connector and then
connect to the intake pipe.
7. Attach the intake pipe to the bottom of the powerhead.
Please note, the intake pipe can be cut to desired length.
Your Filter should now be set up as in Fig 2.
8. If desired, to help with aeration, a venturi valve is also
included with your fi lter parts. To connect this, fi rst remove
the small black cover from the venturi fi tting on the front of
the powerhead, Fig 3. Then attach the fl exible transparent
venturi pipe. The venturi valve can then be passed through
the cut out, Fig 1 (a) and sit outside of the aquarium.
Fig 1.
Venturi Valve
Venturi fi tting
Fig 3.
Power head
Spray Bar
Spray Bar
Power head
adaptor pipe
Power head
Intake pipe
Fig 2.
Power head
Intake pipe