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Dell PS4100 ハードウェア・メンテナンス・マニュアル
PS4100 Hardware Maintenance Guide
2. Push down on the orange release tab and swing the black lever out.
3. Slide the control module into the chassis until you feel resistance.
4. Rotate the black lever inward, which pushes the control module completely into the slot. The latch on
the lever will snap into place.
5. Reconnect the network cables.
6. If the array was shut down, turn on power to the array.
7. Make sure the control module is operational. See
When connected, the control module cache-to-flash module receives full charge. If it cannot be charged,
its status is reported as BAD in the Group Manager GUI. You must remove the control module and
replace it with another one.
If two control modules are installed but only one is shown in the GUI or CLI, the control module may
not be properly installed. Reinstall the control module. If both control modules still are not shown in the
GUI or CLI, they may not be running the same firmware. Contact your array support provider.

Replacing the MicroSD Card

Each control module includes a microSD card that contains the PS Series firmware.
If a control module fails, remove the microSD card from the failed control module and install the card in the
replacement control module. This will make sure that the new control module is running the same firmware
as the other control module in the array.
You can remove a control module without shutting down the array if the remaining control module has at
least one connected and functioning network interface. If you remove the active control module (the LED
labeled ACT will be green), there will be a short interruption as failover to the secondary control module
When you remove the control module, place it on a surface that is protected from electrostatic discharge.
Figure 18 Installing a Control Module
Interpreting Control Module LEDs on page
Maintaining Control Modules