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Cisco 1700 series 設定
Using POTS Splitters and Microfilters
Figure 10
Cisco router
Router and Telephone Using Separate Telephone Lines
This scenario is described below and illustrated in
Figure 11
Configuring an ADSL WAN Interface Card on Cisco 1700 Series Routers
Customer-Installed Splitter
To telco
Actual wall of building
The telephone company has provisioned a single copper pair to be used exclusively by the router
with an ADSL card and a separate copper pair to be used exclusively by the telephone (POTS)
service; therefore, neither a POTS splitter nor a microfilter is needed.
The microfilter is optional; it should be installed only if it improves telephone call quality.
No Splitter, Optional Microfilter
to telco (ADSL
Cisco router
Required microfilter
Optional telephones,
if supported by your telco
Line 2
to telco (POTS)
Actual wall of building
Optional microfilter