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Motorola SYMBOL MT2000 Series ユーザーマニュアル
In the packing function, the MT2000 Series
eliminates the need to manually check pick tickets.
Now, workers can cross check the accuracy of an
order by scanning the bar codes on the pick tickets
as well as the actual products, providing automatic
and rapid error-free validation that the right items
were picked for the order. In addition, based on the
items in the order, the proper carton size for each
order can be automatically identified — eliminating
the selection of a box that is too large and reducing
the use of filler and packaging material — helping
both the environment and your bottom line. The
shipping box can even be scanned as it's selected,
verifying that the correct size was selected, as well
as enabling real-time inventory management of
packing materials.
A quick scan of the bar code on an outgoing
shipment helps ensure that the right items are being
shipped to the right address and staged for the right
truck — in the right order. Wireless connectivity
enables instant printing of all required paperwork
on either a printer connected to the wireless LAN
or via a direct connection to a Bluetooth-enabled
printer. The resulting efficiency allows the same
number of workers to ship more orders in a day
— reducing bottlenecks and improving delivery
times. The new accuracy gains virtually eliminate
costly shipping errors that reduce truck utilization
and threaten customer satisfaction and retention.
And the ability to easily stage shipments inside the
trucks in an order that corresponds with the delivery
route extends the benefits of the MT2000 Series
beyond the warehouse, improving the efficiency of
the delivery drivers out in the field.
Benefits in the warehouse...
and beyond
The power of automation and real-time data in the
warehouse minimizes the time spent on every task,
while providing crosschecks for accuracy at every
step along the way. But the value of a warehouse
mobility solution extends far beyond the loading
docks, warehouse aisles and shelves. The real-
time inventory visibility delivers benefits that ripple
throughout the enterprise, including:
A reduction in inventory levels, reducing capital
requirements and inventory carry costs
APPLIcATION BRIEF: The MT2000 Series: bringing wireless freedom, comfort and productivity to the warehouse
The reduction in warehouse space requirements
due to the reduction in inventory stocking levels,
freeing warehouse space for other areas of the
business — for example, an expansion of the
production line to increase manufacturing capacity
A reduction in out-of-stocks — potentially
delivering an increase of 15 percent or
greater in sales
A reduction in transportation costs as a result
of tighter scheduling, optimal load order and
a reduction in shipping errors
Enjoy a rapid return on
investment (ROI) with this
multi-function hybrid device
With the MT2000 Series, you can count on the
exceptional ROI and total cost of ownership (TcO)
you need to easily justify this mobility solution. The
multi-function MT2000 Series improves efficiency
throughout warehouse operations, eliminating the
need to purchase separate bar code scanners and
mobile computers. In addition, Motorola's signature
rugged design delivers maximum uptime and device
lifecycle. compatibility with Motorola's Mobility
Services Platform (MSP) substantially reduces one
of the largest costs associated with any mobility
solution — day-to-day management. MSP enables
centralized and remote staging, provisioning and day-
to-day monitoring of all your MT2000 Series devices,
regardless of where in the world they are located.
And since even the most rugged devices need a
support plan, Motorola offers Service from the Start
with comprehensive coverage. This unique offering
sets the standard for post-deployment support by
including normal wear and tear as well as accidental
damage to internal and external components —
protecting device uptime while significantly reducing
your unforeseen repair expenses.

For more information

For more information on how Motorola's MT2000
Series can improve your warehouse operations,
please visit us on the web at
or access our global contact directory at