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Motorola SYMBOL MT2000 Series ユーザーマニュアル
choose Motorola for your end-to-end
warehouse mobility needs
choose Motorola for your end-to-end
warehouse mobility needs
When you choose Motorola for your warehouse mobility solution, you
choose the strength of an industry leader — and the power of tested
When you choose Motorola for your warehouse mobility solution, you choose
and proven end-to-end solutions. Motorola offers virtually everything you
the strength of an industry leader — and the power of tested and proven end-
need to deploy a warehouse mobility solution that offers the reliability,
to-end solutions. Motorola offers virtually everything you need to deploy a
security, manageability and superior uptime that your mission-critical
warehouse mobility solution that offers the reliability, security, manageability and
applications demand.
superior uptime that your mission-critical applications demand.
Regardless of whether you need mobility inside or outside the
Regardless of whether you need mobility inside or outside the enterprise walls,
enterprise walls, there is a Motorola device that is right for the job
there is a Motorola device that is right for the job — from bar code scanners
— from bar code scanners to rugged or PDA style handheld integrated
to rugged or PDA style handheld integrated voice and data devices to vehicle-
voice and data devices to vehicle-mount workstations and notebook
mount workstations and notebook computers. Our indoor/outdoor WLAN
computers. Our indoor/outdoor WLAN portfolio offers a robust wireless
portfolio offers a robust wireless connection, regardless of the size of your
connection, regardless of the size of your facilities or physical challenges
facilities or physical challenges in your environment — such as the presence of
in your environment — such as the presence of metal as well as fixtures
metal as well as fixtures and other equipment that can create RF blind spots,
and other equipment that can create RF blind spots, or the need to
or the need to provide coverage in outdoor areas, such as the loading dock or
provide coverage in outdoor areas, such as the loading dock or yard.
yard. Our wireless broadband portfolio enables cost-effective networking for
Our wireless broadband portfolio enables cost-effective networking for
distributed locations. Our comprehensive RFID solutions include fixed, mobile
distributed locations. Our comprehensive RFID solutions include fixed,
and handheld RFID readers. Our world-class business partners provide best-
mobile and handheld RFID readers. Our world-class business partners
in-class applications that integrate easily with your existing environment to
provide best-in-class applications that integrate easily with your existing
minimize deployment costs and disruption of day-to-day business procedures.
environment to minimize deployment costs and disruption of day-to-day
Robust management solutions provide centralized control of your entire mobility
business procedures. Robust management solutions provide centralized
solution — from your mobile devices and the applications and data resident on
control of your entire mobility solution — from your mobile devices and
those devices to your wireless LAN and wireless broadband infrastructure. And
the applications and data resident on those devices to your wireless
when you choose one of Motorola's Service from the Start programs, you'll
LAN and wireless broadband infrastructure. And when you choose one
enjoy multiple years of repair coverage with protection that begins from the date
of Motorola's Service from the Start programs, you'll enjoy multiple
of purchase, protecting uptime and your return on investment.
years of repair coverage with protection that begins from the date of
purchase, protecting uptime and your return on investment.
APPLIcATION BRIEF: Maximize warehouse productivity with the MT2000 Series